Mylf told me to update. I told her to go fuck herself. But she said that she needed to get paid.
Anyway I have to deal with the fat bitch at work tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it.
I have a 6 cd changer in my car. Right now only one disc in there and that's one that I had just not taken the time to throw out the window yet. You do not want to know about the other (maroon) 5 cds in there.
the fucking bitxh is also being my goddamned typing teacher, Happy now Minimalism?!?!? she just informed me that I spelled bitch wrong. TOUGH! Form now on she can be the bitxh!!!
*sigh* At least the sex is amazing. Heck at least i'm getting laid. I ought to get tested too probably.
See I don't need Jager to be a prick, it just helps out a bit.
Anyway I have to deal with the fat bitch at work tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it.
I have a 6 cd changer in my car. Right now only one disc in there and that's one that I had just not taken the time to throw out the window yet. You do not want to know about the other (maroon) 5 cds in there.
the fucking bitxh is also being my goddamned typing teacher, Happy now Minimalism?!?!? she just informed me that I spelled bitch wrong. TOUGH! Form now on she can be the bitxh!!!
*sigh* At least the sex is amazing. Heck at least i'm getting laid. I ought to get tested too probably.

See I don't need Jager to be a prick, it just helps out a bit.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm, um interesting journal
I'm the kind of dork that finds typos in text you're in trouble!!!