i just finsihed reading everyone's journals. I have yet to have time to u/l pics!
I helped blondie move yesterday, 10 hours of lugging boots and furniture, but worthwhile cuz she had hardly anyone turn out to help her. EVERYONE showed for her b-day party but 3 people show to help her move. Not cool. I do not want to go to work today. i want to go back to sleep and then catch up on my sg'ing (I'm still over 2 weeks behind on the sets! and have yet to devour all the threads in the prom group!) But at least i only have to deal with the fat bitch at work for a little while (no offense to my overweight friends I just HATE HATE HATE this bitch! And need to say anything and everything bad about her that I can so I don't swallow my feeelings for her). And I get to chew out my boss for dicking me over on monday. I also need to explain to him that it is abosulutely unnacceptable to schedule ANYONE to close both friday and saturday night, unless it's their availability that dictates it. But be it key holder, associatem, or assistant manager, it is NOT FUCKING COOL, to have to do both and should be done only when there is no other choice. My boss wants to make it a thing where one of has to do it each week. No. I'll quit over it, and I'm not being petty. I'm just tired of all the scheduling bullshit that ahs occured recently and I'm putting my foot donw right here. When I made the schedule NO ONE EVER closed both, without me talking to them first, or unless they came in as a favor for us.
Sorry work is just not fun anymore, not that it was ever great but it was at least tolerable. I need to get the fuck out of retail.

Sorry work is just not fun anymore, not that it was ever great but it was at least tolerable. I need to get the fuck out of retail.
It was pretty amazing to see that rainbow here. I just pulled into town from Memorial Day weekend, and was just thinking about how much I didn't want to be back, walked outside, and there it was.