Iguess wehn peopl stop commenting on your journal it means a couple things, That you need to update and that you obviously aren't reading their journals. I admit i've been lazy on both counts. But you guys luck out cuz I wussed out of going down to nyc this weekend. I have little funds and this weekend off is my best chance to get shit done before I leave for prom. Little things like cleaning my condo, (which btw is :puke" gross!), renting a tux, and polishing off plans for that last weekeend in philly at the end of my vacation. (which means making sure the couch i'm crashing on is still free, buying my ticket to the convention). Plus the ass loads of laundry that I need to get done. Holy shit has working at a clothes store for a year doubled the amount of clothes I own! They all used to fill the laundry bag and now it's all over the place! (see above gross comment)
So, my apologies to Alisa, Brie, and Edea, all of whom I told they would be seeing me in NYC this weekend.
Oh and not reading comics that i've already bought is tough! But I have 2 long plane rides and will need things to read, So I'm going to be strong.
So, my apologies to Alisa, Brie, and Edea, all of whom I told they would be seeing me in NYC this weekend.
Oh and not reading comics that i've already bought is tough! But I have 2 long plane rides and will need things to read, So I'm going to be strong.
I'm going to Philly for a convention too! when are you going?
I'm staying at the LOWES hotel..it's really, really nice. You are welcome to crash there if it's the same time (doubtful) as long as you don't mine sharing a room with a bunch of girls
Have fun at prom and have a safe trip!
We are missing each other by one week! I will be in Philly May 15, 16, 17!!
thanks for the good vibes...I'm gonna need them!