What to say without tipping my hand? Well most of you have figured it out anyway and those of you that are clueless will have to wait. Wait and send me your good vibes damnit!!
So work is good. The bald man talked to me about our bitch of an assistant. So he's knows mostly where I stand. I'm just too nice sometimes.
My face is STILL peeling. And my trip is booked! 14th-20th SF here I come!
Sid is so smart for asking me to prom!!
Smart and beautiful, what a lethal combo.
oh yeah GO DUKE!!!!
So work is good. The bald man talked to me about our bitch of an assistant. So he's knows mostly where I stand. I'm just too nice sometimes.
My face is STILL peeling. And my trip is booked! 14th-20th SF here I come!
Sid is so smart for asking me to prom!!

oh yeah GO DUKE!!!!
man.. i wish time didn't go by so fast. i remember my friends and i in middle school, having huge kobain crushes and totally crying when we heard. weird to think i don't even know any of those girls anymore. i guess that's part of the reason why it makes me feel old.