I curl up and reach for
What I always reach for when I'm desperate
It's never helped in the past
Don't see how it will help now
When in reality it should
But ehn you suck at desperation
Despite all the practise
What's left to do,
But live?
going to have a drink with the sgboston crew. The first of many, hopefully. East Coast camping trip #2, sgburlesque coming back to town, this is gonna be a good summer.
I curl up and reach for
What I always reach for when I'm desperate
It's never helped in the past
Don't see how it will help now
When in reality it should
But ehn you suck at desperation
Despite all the practise
What's left to do,
But live?
going to have a drink with the sgboston crew. The first of many, hopefully. East Coast camping trip #2, sgburlesque coming back to town, this is gonna be a good summer.
how do I know... well you commented today on a journal from a few days ago... oops.
and as for the requests, I still need to do some shopping. and I have been working my ass off so I can go back to MA. and you won't even be there when I go in May (hopefully) Well you'll just have to bring that ass out here.