Samll chunks and simple easy to reach goals. that's the only way to break this bad bad lazy pattern i'm in.
okay a little slow no the jpd thing this week buut here we are. Another mediocre piece from my past.
The Obvious
After all,
who are we to judge
The odor was reminiscent
of a smell fairly common
It wasn't pleasant,
but not altogether nauseating.
Filling the background
and hardly even noticed
It'd overall effect was nothing
It neither cared,
nor was cared about.
Zack thought about her,
again she seemed blind
Of course she was,
she was preoccupied with Kevin.
Kevin, naturally was gay
and wanted Zack over her any day.
But this has no meaning
at least not yet
Maybe not
we'll soon know.
The frogs and crickets
sing their songs
As though
there was no tomorrow.
Why do they sing?
An annoyance and a weatherman.
Prett tunes,
I listened one day.
I went alone
because they hate those things.
All who wish
to notice.
I was discovered
I ran and lied
Fearing the truth
which dwells inside.
There is more,
butr later my friend.
The tree stood
tall and alone
Old and proud
was he
Both wise
and ignorant
Until he was
cut down.
A waste of intelligence
but he should not have been alone
The men cared not
about this worthless tree.
They had a
parking lot on their minds
A parking lot they had to build
to feed their families
Families they choose
to love
Instead of their dreams
the tree didn't
give a thought
to this
as he died.
Which was better,
snuffed dreams or dead wisdom?
The young man
full of passion
Passion sucked away
by a heartless world.
Poor boy
losses hope
and becomes
like his father
Smothers his dreams
and denies his potential
Denies fate
and suddenly
He fears what
he once was
And becomes what
he once fought.
The girl,
thought naturally more stubborn
Is hit young
by the world
"Beauty over brains,
you stupid bitch!
Without tits
your nothing!
Shut up!
You talk to much,
You're not
a man.
You're not
You are however
dainty and fragile."
Unlike the boy
she never had a chance.
She knows not
what to fight
so she swings
and gets called
a bitch.
Her children
worship her
and think she
is what a woman should be
So the cycle
too powerful
to be a conspiracy
Too perfect
to be man made
But as the french say,
"C'est la Vie"
Omnipotent and ever present.
Or so we
let it be.
Is that choice
better than
the trust
or openess?
The roll of toilet paper
goes unchanged,
The garbage spills onto the floor,
Stagnation flourishes
in its wake.
No one stops to notice
I don't know why.
Those that do stop
are cast out
Causing one more step
to nothing.
Oblivion calls my friends,
But other phones ring.
okay a little slow no the jpd thing this week buut here we are. Another mediocre piece from my past.
The Obvious
After all,
who are we to judge
The odor was reminiscent
of a smell fairly common
It wasn't pleasant,
but not altogether nauseating.
Filling the background
and hardly even noticed
It'd overall effect was nothing
It neither cared,
nor was cared about.
Zack thought about her,
again she seemed blind
Of course she was,
she was preoccupied with Kevin.
Kevin, naturally was gay
and wanted Zack over her any day.
But this has no meaning
at least not yet
Maybe not
we'll soon know.
The frogs and crickets
sing their songs
As though
there was no tomorrow.
Why do they sing?
An annoyance and a weatherman.
Prett tunes,
I listened one day.
I went alone
because they hate those things.
All who wish
to notice.
I was discovered
I ran and lied
Fearing the truth
which dwells inside.
There is more,
butr later my friend.
The tree stood
tall and alone
Old and proud
was he
Both wise
and ignorant
Until he was
cut down.
A waste of intelligence
but he should not have been alone
The men cared not
about this worthless tree.
They had a
parking lot on their minds
A parking lot they had to build
to feed their families
Families they choose
to love
Instead of their dreams
the tree didn't
give a thought
to this
as he died.
Which was better,
snuffed dreams or dead wisdom?
The young man
full of passion
Passion sucked away
by a heartless world.
Poor boy
losses hope
and becomes
like his father
Smothers his dreams
and denies his potential
Denies fate
and suddenly
He fears what
he once was
And becomes what
he once fought.
The girl,
thought naturally more stubborn
Is hit young
by the world
"Beauty over brains,
you stupid bitch!
Without tits
your nothing!
Shut up!
You talk to much,
You're not
a man.
You're not
You are however
dainty and fragile."
Unlike the boy
she never had a chance.
She knows not
what to fight
so she swings
and gets called
a bitch.
Her children
worship her
and think she
is what a woman should be
So the cycle
too powerful
to be a conspiracy
Too perfect
to be man made
But as the french say,
"C'est la Vie"
Omnipotent and ever present.
Or so we
let it be.
Is that choice
better than
the trust
or openess?
The roll of toilet paper
goes unchanged,
The garbage spills onto the floor,
Stagnation flourishes
in its wake.
No one stops to notice
I don't know why.
Those that do stop
are cast out
Causing one more step
to nothing.
Oblivion calls my friends,
But other phones ring.
I wasn't gonna IM you cause you had your away msg on. so there.