bye bye Nala, HELLO ALISA!!!!
So xmas breakdown:
1)Started the day off by forgetting the xmas gifts I bought. And I relaized it when I got to my cousin's for brunch. Which left no time to go back and get them. My sister roasted me all day on this.
2)My uncle nearly came out of the closet. It's one of those situations wherewe all know and we don't care. So if he had come out it would have been no big deal (except to my great uncle who is a priest). Anyway the late arrivers to my parents house later xmas night (6ish) entered and my uncle went into the closet to grab their envelopes and scratch tickets. The way my parents house is layed out he got trapped in the closet for a moment. When the doors cleared and he could walk out someone asked, "Why are you in the closet?" He responded, toungue firmly ion cheeck, "oh i've been there for a while now." Iwanted to laugh so bad. It was fucking hysterical.
3) Loho Studios the guy who runs it is the bf of my cousin's friend. A woman that has been at our family gatherings on and off for most of my life. I nearly shat myself when she showed my sister and I the site. She teaches bellydancing locally if anyone is interested (seriously).
4) Cute girl that I hung out with at my cousins wedding in Vegas was asking about me. Cousin will be dragging me to their next party (not new years unfortunately cuz I have to work)
5) I hooked up three of my cousin's who have near teenage daughters with friends and family stuff from my store. They were thrilled. Hooked up all year.
6) Tur-Duc-Hen. if you don't know, be thankful. It was on the table for xmas dinner, just not on my plate.
7)Got asn mp3 player. Very cool, but not the digital camera I was hoping for.
8)My sister found 3 of my old Care Bears! Can you say EBAY?!?!? Well for Bedtime bear and wish bear that is. Good Luck Bear stays with me.
9)Got a cool jigsaw puzzle. It's tigger pouncing on piglet. But it's a mosaics picture. Very very difficult. Very very addictive.
10)Store bought apple cider sucks ass compared to the fresh stuff from a real apple orchard. Honey Pot I will visit you twice next year, I promise!
Wow and unlike the lovely plaingurl my list of 10 actually had ten items! heheheheh
oh and for an example of healthy self-esteem go read reina_confundida's testimonials.
So xmas breakdown:
1)Started the day off by forgetting the xmas gifts I bought. And I relaized it when I got to my cousin's for brunch. Which left no time to go back and get them. My sister roasted me all day on this.
2)My uncle nearly came out of the closet. It's one of those situations wherewe all know and we don't care. So if he had come out it would have been no big deal (except to my great uncle who is a priest). Anyway the late arrivers to my parents house later xmas night (6ish) entered and my uncle went into the closet to grab their envelopes and scratch tickets. The way my parents house is layed out he got trapped in the closet for a moment. When the doors cleared and he could walk out someone asked, "Why are you in the closet?" He responded, toungue firmly ion cheeck, "oh i've been there for a while now." Iwanted to laugh so bad. It was fucking hysterical.
3) Loho Studios the guy who runs it is the bf of my cousin's friend. A woman that has been at our family gatherings on and off for most of my life. I nearly shat myself when she showed my sister and I the site. She teaches bellydancing locally if anyone is interested (seriously).
4) Cute girl that I hung out with at my cousins wedding in Vegas was asking about me. Cousin will be dragging me to their next party (not new years unfortunately cuz I have to work)
5) I hooked up three of my cousin's who have near teenage daughters with friends and family stuff from my store. They were thrilled. Hooked up all year.
6) Tur-Duc-Hen. if you don't know, be thankful. It was on the table for xmas dinner, just not on my plate.
7)Got asn mp3 player. Very cool, but not the digital camera I was hoping for.
8)My sister found 3 of my old Care Bears! Can you say EBAY?!?!? Well for Bedtime bear and wish bear that is. Good Luck Bear stays with me.
9)Got a cool jigsaw puzzle. It's tigger pouncing on piglet. But it's a mosaics picture. Very very difficult. Very very addictive.
10)Store bought apple cider sucks ass compared to the fresh stuff from a real apple orchard. Honey Pot I will visit you twice next year, I promise!
Wow and unlike the lovely plaingurl my list of 10 actually had ten items! heheheheh
oh and for an example of healthy self-esteem go read reina_confundida's testimonials.
I'll trade you that Wish Bear for an old Cheer Bear.
hope your New Years this year is an improvement over some of your previous ones, pipster