1) "She kicked me, she's fine. Oh yeah she kicked me again."
Wayne, the girls' father the morning of the wake. Apparently Britt, the younger one who was progressing more slowly, was kicking him in response to his talking to her. You don't know her, so trust me when I say she's almost back to normal.
2) "Serves ya right!! Skipping out on my wake!"
My buddy Rich ahd given Mylf and I Sox tickets for the night of the 31st, the night of Beth's wake. He "gave" me the tickets a month earlier becuase he was headed out of town. This was going to be our only chance to make it into Fenway this year, so after talking to my aunt Jeanette (Beth's mother, I should upload a damn family tree...) we went. It was a disaster. We left the wake at 5 to eat with some of the family and left for boston from canton at 6. Plenty of time to make it into town and to get our seats before first pitch. WRONG!! Traffic from hell on 93! Then I parked further away than I trealized, then I locked my keys in the car for the first time EVER!! We ditched the keys until after the game and go to our seats somewhere around 8ish and in the 4th inning. We missed the Baltimore's mgr getting tossed, and both starting pitchers were gone before we knew what was going. We left in the 8th and they lost after a failed comeback. Then it took fucking AAA 2 fucking hours and much yelling at them by me before they got a tow truck out to get my car unlocked! We got home at like 2am. Had to be in canton by 9am, from framingham. So this quote is what I can picture Beth saying to me from heaven, laughing at me.
The wake was split in to parts 2-5 and 7-9, but it ran from 1:30 until after 10.
3) "I win!" (thought by me!)
I balled my eyes out at the funeral. Like a baby. I walked out with a handfull of tissues with Mylf nearly laughing at me, thinking the above quote. I was crying so bad that at one point Beth's 15yo neice who was three pew's in front of me and to my right looked back at me, smile and gave me that "Are you going to be alright" look.
a) "Your favorite cousin"
So my tears came from three main sources this being the big one. You all have the fortune of knowing my sense of humor. Well one of my best jokes is saved for my family when I write them emails and I sign them "Your Favorite cousin, Philip" I have a ton of cousins so the joke becomes funnier. Well aparently this became a real family joke that was bigger than I realized. My cousin Brandy warned me during the wake that she was going to use this line in her Eulogy to Beth. I was warned and it still ripped me to shreds, in a good way. See I also use the joke on another level and when the email is sent to my parents, my sister or any of the aunts and uncles I sign it "Your favorite cousin/nephew/brother/son" Well Brandy called Beth our favorite Cousin/Aunt/Friend/Mother/congregationMember and few other things I cannot remeber. It was awesome.
b) "Thank goodness for large families"
Then my Aunt Tangie did her Eulogy. Extoling the virtues of large families because we can come together and support each other when times are tough. Then she dropped the bomb and said, "We also come together for celebratory times as well, like for weddings and birthdays and anniversaries and ......" Yeah who's wedding is coming up fast? Cue tears. Ya see, there was some heated discussion over whether or not Beth's girls were going to get invited. I view her 3 girls and her sister Patty's 2 girls as one uniot of 5 sisters (they are nearly that close the younger 4 are the same ages 15 and 12). I wanted all 5 there, period. Mylf, justifiably, did not want to invite them because she had barely met them and was close to Patty's 2 kids. They got added due to circumstance which shall not be mentioned here. Point is I was set on having them at my wedding.
c) "I'm going to breakdown the moment I set foot in that church" (said by me)
Okay so an amazing thing happened. Sit down. Really. A catholic Church opened its doors to a protestant (worse yet a Unitarian!) minister for the funeral. Beth's church was too small. Everyone that knew her loved her and wanted to be there. Her mother has been going to that church for the full 65 years of her life and if you knew my aunt Jeanett she very politely and very firmly made sure this happened. That church has had many many members of my family pass through it's doors on a regular basis. They made an exception for us, and Beth. Soooooo, at 8:55 after not getting home until 2...we pull into the parking lot of the church. We back into a spot facing the front entrance and I say to Mylf, "I'm going to lose it the moment I walk through those doors." Why? Because memories of memorial masses for my grandmother and my grandfathers funeral came flooding into my brain. So that is why I cried like an abandoned baby. I'm proud of every tear though. My cousin was worth 1000x as many.
4) "Go retake journalism, ethics asshole" (thoguht by me)
Fucking photojournalists got some great picks of my family crying. Yeah that's news. Family loses a loved one in a tragic gun incident and they are crying. SHOCK! Film at 11, literally. The press did make up for the lies and misquotations by covering the funeral properly with non-photogs that were allowed inside. They actually had to act like journalists and remembered some of what they learned in journalism school. The photog's however....
a) "Do you get off on taking pictures of little girls crying?" (same as above)
Yeah 2 great shots of Beth's daughter crying. Wonderful, how is that news? Or the shot of her 12yo cousin crying as well. Did people need to see that. One thing that hjas changed within me forever, when I see, read or hear about an accident, any type, where people died or got seriously hurt, I can picture the real poeple involved, and the people mourning those involved. I am glad for this gift. Sorry for the price I had to pay to get it, but glad I have it.
5) They waited outside in the hot august sun for over 2 hours. She was loved that much.
Does that need anything more? Nope. Wish you got to know her, she was just plain awesome. Would have loved SG, except for the whole nekkid chick thing 2nd wave feminist thought porn was evil, and she'd file SG under porn, regardless. But the liberal, artsy, open-minded, care for and respect each other thing she'd be 100% down with.
6) "I have a newfound respect for firefighters"
So Beth's father was a retired canton firefighter and he also does Grief Counceling. He's done it as far back as the Worcester Fire, and spent a ton of time down in NYC after sept 11th, in the weeks months and YEARS following. He's done a lot of good things for a lot of people, and the firefighting community in eastern mass showed him how much they apreciated all he's done. I swear I saw a firefighter from every town east of 495.
a) "I ask for more water and they give me one case. Get your head out of your ass and get me some damn water!"
So the town next over Stoughton, had a firefighter there who was manging things a bit, crowd control, press control, the works and he saw the situation and was trying to fix it by getting water. He called his staion and asked for water. I saw the cooler and was checking to see how full it was because at the time I was not aware the stiuation was under control and he got concerned that the water was gone. I told him it was fine and then he dropped the above quote on me. I nearly peed my pants laughing.
b) "oh christ, I hope everyone is alright and that fire emt truck is here for show. If those back doors openI'm gonna lose it." <back doors open> "Oh shit."
Punchline: Out comes 10 cases of water on gurney.
"Fucking brilliant!" <laugh my ass off!> (said by me)
7) "I'm cousin #25,684." (yeah i'm one funny motherfucker!)
I was helping with some household chores at PAtty and Steve's house. One of the chores involved taking the recycling over to the neighbor's house. He was home, that was how I introduced myself.
8) "I don't know."
Words used by Beth's Minister. They made me feel better. Made me feel his pain at losing not just a valuied member of his congregation but at losing a friend as well. He did a great job and his sermon helped me alot. Nope, not going back to church soon, buit if I do for our kid's sake (to give them some roots against real cults and the like) it will be to a Unitarian church.
9) "I used to work with a buddy of yours...." (it's a small world after all...)
So my 2nd cousin worked with alkaholic23 at logan. He works for Delta down in the ATL now. He's the cousin who asked for help and got us into the jimmy fuind walk, that I did for three years. And want to do again, though not this year unfortunately. His daughter got a lot of help from the jimmy fund and he wanted to give back so he put the call out to the EXTENEDED Powers clan and we chipped in. Large families can be a great thing.
10) "Why would you draft marion barber III when you could have Manning, Brady, Palmer, or Brees?"
Me teaching fantasy football class to Patty's husband Steve, and their 15 yo daughter's boyfriend and twin brother. Steve knows how good I am and listened to me when I had valid pionts to back up my arguments. The two boys however are 18 and would not listen until Mylf walked into the room and backed up everyhting I was saying. See even my family and their friends like her better than they like me, but guess what....I love her more than any of you. So there!
GREAT NEWS: the girls were extubated this morning. (that word is creepy on it's own but it means they are breathing on their own) So we are on a 2nd level miracle for 2 different little girls. Fucking amazing. I'm so thankful.
Wayne, the girls' father the morning of the wake. Apparently Britt, the younger one who was progressing more slowly, was kicking him in response to his talking to her. You don't know her, so trust me when I say she's almost back to normal.

2) "Serves ya right!! Skipping out on my wake!"
My buddy Rich ahd given Mylf and I Sox tickets for the night of the 31st, the night of Beth's wake. He "gave" me the tickets a month earlier becuase he was headed out of town. This was going to be our only chance to make it into Fenway this year, so after talking to my aunt Jeanette (Beth's mother, I should upload a damn family tree...) we went. It was a disaster. We left the wake at 5 to eat with some of the family and left for boston from canton at 6. Plenty of time to make it into town and to get our seats before first pitch. WRONG!! Traffic from hell on 93! Then I parked further away than I trealized, then I locked my keys in the car for the first time EVER!! We ditched the keys until after the game and go to our seats somewhere around 8ish and in the 4th inning. We missed the Baltimore's mgr getting tossed, and both starting pitchers were gone before we knew what was going. We left in the 8th and they lost after a failed comeback. Then it took fucking AAA 2 fucking hours and much yelling at them by me before they got a tow truck out to get my car unlocked! We got home at like 2am. Had to be in canton by 9am, from framingham. So this quote is what I can picture Beth saying to me from heaven, laughing at me.

3) "I win!" (thought by me!)
I balled my eyes out at the funeral. Like a baby. I walked out with a handfull of tissues with Mylf nearly laughing at me, thinking the above quote. I was crying so bad that at one point Beth's 15yo neice who was three pew's in front of me and to my right looked back at me, smile and gave me that "Are you going to be alright" look.
a) "Your favorite cousin"
So my tears came from three main sources this being the big one. You all have the fortune of knowing my sense of humor. Well one of my best jokes is saved for my family when I write them emails and I sign them "Your Favorite cousin, Philip" I have a ton of cousins so the joke becomes funnier. Well aparently this became a real family joke that was bigger than I realized. My cousin Brandy warned me during the wake that she was going to use this line in her Eulogy to Beth. I was warned and it still ripped me to shreds, in a good way. See I also use the joke on another level and when the email is sent to my parents, my sister or any of the aunts and uncles I sign it "Your favorite cousin/nephew/brother/son" Well Brandy called Beth our favorite Cousin/Aunt/Friend/Mother/congregationMember and few other things I cannot remeber. It was awesome.
b) "Thank goodness for large families"
Then my Aunt Tangie did her Eulogy. Extoling the virtues of large families because we can come together and support each other when times are tough. Then she dropped the bomb and said, "We also come together for celebratory times as well, like for weddings and birthdays and anniversaries and ......" Yeah who's wedding is coming up fast? Cue tears. Ya see, there was some heated discussion over whether or not Beth's girls were going to get invited. I view her 3 girls and her sister Patty's 2 girls as one uniot of 5 sisters (they are nearly that close the younger 4 are the same ages 15 and 12). I wanted all 5 there, period. Mylf, justifiably, did not want to invite them because she had barely met them and was close to Patty's 2 kids. They got added due to circumstance which shall not be mentioned here. Point is I was set on having them at my wedding.
c) "I'm going to breakdown the moment I set foot in that church" (said by me)
Okay so an amazing thing happened. Sit down. Really. A catholic Church opened its doors to a protestant (worse yet a Unitarian!) minister for the funeral. Beth's church was too small. Everyone that knew her loved her and wanted to be there. Her mother has been going to that church for the full 65 years of her life and if you knew my aunt Jeanett she very politely and very firmly made sure this happened. That church has had many many members of my family pass through it's doors on a regular basis. They made an exception for us, and Beth. Soooooo, at 8:55 after not getting home until 2...we pull into the parking lot of the church. We back into a spot facing the front entrance and I say to Mylf, "I'm going to lose it the moment I walk through those doors." Why? Because memories of memorial masses for my grandmother and my grandfathers funeral came flooding into my brain. So that is why I cried like an abandoned baby. I'm proud of every tear though. My cousin was worth 1000x as many.
4) "Go retake journalism, ethics asshole" (thoguht by me)
Fucking photojournalists got some great picks of my family crying. Yeah that's news. Family loses a loved one in a tragic gun incident and they are crying. SHOCK! Film at 11, literally. The press did make up for the lies and misquotations by covering the funeral properly with non-photogs that were allowed inside. They actually had to act like journalists and remembered some of what they learned in journalism school. The photog's however....
a) "Do you get off on taking pictures of little girls crying?" (same as above)
Yeah 2 great shots of Beth's daughter crying. Wonderful, how is that news? Or the shot of her 12yo cousin crying as well. Did people need to see that. One thing that hjas changed within me forever, when I see, read or hear about an accident, any type, where people died or got seriously hurt, I can picture the real poeple involved, and the people mourning those involved. I am glad for this gift. Sorry for the price I had to pay to get it, but glad I have it.
5) They waited outside in the hot august sun for over 2 hours. She was loved that much.
Does that need anything more? Nope. Wish you got to know her, she was just plain awesome. Would have loved SG, except for the whole nekkid chick thing 2nd wave feminist thought porn was evil, and she'd file SG under porn, regardless. But the liberal, artsy, open-minded, care for and respect each other thing she'd be 100% down with.
6) "I have a newfound respect for firefighters"
So Beth's father was a retired canton firefighter and he also does Grief Counceling. He's done it as far back as the Worcester Fire, and spent a ton of time down in NYC after sept 11th, in the weeks months and YEARS following. He's done a lot of good things for a lot of people, and the firefighting community in eastern mass showed him how much they apreciated all he's done. I swear I saw a firefighter from every town east of 495.
a) "I ask for more water and they give me one case. Get your head out of your ass and get me some damn water!"
So the town next over Stoughton, had a firefighter there who was manging things a bit, crowd control, press control, the works and he saw the situation and was trying to fix it by getting water. He called his staion and asked for water. I saw the cooler and was checking to see how full it was because at the time I was not aware the stiuation was under control and he got concerned that the water was gone. I told him it was fine and then he dropped the above quote on me. I nearly peed my pants laughing.
b) "oh christ, I hope everyone is alright and that fire emt truck is here for show. If those back doors openI'm gonna lose it." <back doors open> "Oh shit."
Punchline: Out comes 10 cases of water on gurney.
"Fucking brilliant!" <laugh my ass off!> (said by me)
7) "I'm cousin #25,684." (yeah i'm one funny motherfucker!)
I was helping with some household chores at PAtty and Steve's house. One of the chores involved taking the recycling over to the neighbor's house. He was home, that was how I introduced myself.
8) "I don't know."
Words used by Beth's Minister. They made me feel better. Made me feel his pain at losing not just a valuied member of his congregation but at losing a friend as well. He did a great job and his sermon helped me alot. Nope, not going back to church soon, buit if I do for our kid's sake (to give them some roots against real cults and the like) it will be to a Unitarian church.
9) "I used to work with a buddy of yours...." (it's a small world after all...)
So my 2nd cousin worked with alkaholic23 at logan. He works for Delta down in the ATL now. He's the cousin who asked for help and got us into the jimmy fuind walk, that I did for three years. And want to do again, though not this year unfortunately. His daughter got a lot of help from the jimmy fund and he wanted to give back so he put the call out to the EXTENEDED Powers clan and we chipped in. Large families can be a great thing.
10) "Why would you draft marion barber III when you could have Manning, Brady, Palmer, or Brees?"
Me teaching fantasy football class to Patty's husband Steve, and their 15 yo daughter's boyfriend and twin brother. Steve knows how good I am and listened to me when I had valid pionts to back up my arguments. The two boys however are 18 and would not listen until Mylf walked into the room and backed up everyhting I was saying. See even my family and their friends like her better than they like me, but guess what....I love her more than any of you. So there!

GREAT NEWS: the girls were extubated this morning. (that word is creepy on it's own but it means they are breathing on their own) So we are on a 2nd level miracle for 2 different little girls. Fucking amazing. I'm so thankful.
Pats v Bengals....Monday Night....and I'm going to fucking be there. I ordered my ticket yesterday morning, it shipped yesterday afternoon. It's going to fucking rock. Go Pats!
Hey....hope you're doing alright and things turn out well for you two. If there's anything I can do for either of you, let me know.