Ton of things I need to say, but I'm still tired so you'll get the headlines now and I'll give you the breakdowns on them later. Only said by me where noted.
1) "She kicked me, she's fine. Oh yeah she kicked me again."
2) "Serves ya right!! Skipping out on my wake!"
3) "I win!" (thought by me!)
a) "Your favorite cousin"
b) "Thank goodness for large families"
c) "I'm going to breakdown the moment I set foot in that church" (said by me)
4) "Go retake journalism, ethics asshole" (thoguht by me)
a) "Do you get off on taking pictures of little girls crying?" (same as above)
5) They waited outside in the hot august sun for over 2 hours. She was loved that much.
6) "I have a newfound respect for firefighters"
a) "I ask for more water and they give me one case. Get your head out of your ass and get me some damn water!"
b) "oh christ, I hope everyone is alright and that fire emt truck is here for show. If those back doors openI'm gonna lose it." <back doors open> "Oh shit."
1) "She kicked me, she's fine. Oh yeah she kicked me again."
2) "Serves ya right!! Skipping out on my wake!"
3) "I win!" (thought by me!)
a) "Your favorite cousin"
b) "Thank goodness for large families"
c) "I'm going to breakdown the moment I set foot in that church" (said by me)
4) "Go retake journalism, ethics asshole" (thoguht by me)
a) "Do you get off on taking pictures of little girls crying?" (same as above)
5) They waited outside in the hot august sun for over 2 hours. She was loved that much.
6) "I have a newfound respect for firefighters"
a) "I ask for more water and they give me one case. Get your head out of your ass and get me some damn water!"
b) "oh christ, I hope everyone is alright and that fire emt truck is here for show. If those back doors openI'm gonna lose it." <back doors open> "Oh shit."
"Fucking brilliant!" <laugh my ass off!> (said by me)
7) "I'm cousin #25,684." (yeah i'm one funny motherfucker!)
8) "I don't know."
9) "I used to work with a buddy of yours...." (it's a small world after all...)
10) "Why would you draft marion barber III when you could have Manning, Brady, Palmer, or Brees?"
the girls are doing very weel and reacting to people. I don't have further updates but when i do I'll pass them on. Miracles, I believe.
i hope all is well.