Just passed my Health Producer's exam this morning and I start fundemental career school on tuesday. The new jobis challenging but so far it is 100% worth it. I just need to buckle down and do this job's dirty work to start seeing the real payoffs.
Halloween was great, mildly disappointing turnout but there were some great costumes (as ALWAYS) and I got to hang out with some amazing people that make the 20+ hours in a car worth it. You kids from Philly better not bail next year! *shakes fist*
Having weekends off fucking rules!
I like knowing that Deval Patrick is going to kcik Kerry Healey's fucking ass on tuesday!
Halloween was great, mildly disappointing turnout but there were some great costumes (as ALWAYS) and I got to hang out with some amazing people that make the 20+ hours in a car worth it. You kids from Philly better not bail next year! *shakes fist*
Having weekends off fucking rules!
I like knowing that Deval Patrick is going to kcik Kerry Healey's fucking ass on tuesday!
It was definitely good times hanging out with you guys in Pitt. Turns out more and more people I know are ending up in Boston. If I ever make a trip out that way I'll be sure to look you guys up.
Congratulations, man!