Yeah so my time at Aero is done. I took a shit package but I can sleep at night and am no longer scared about people who say they are not out to get me fired when they damn well fucking are. (See on Notice board top 3). I got to give my notice and they pay me out for the three weeks, plus accrued vacation time and personal days (7 days vaca and 3 pers). So I get 5 weeks pay, that is if they don't continue their ways of not paying people, in which case I'll write to the Department of Labor, hire a lawyer and place a retaliation complaint with OSHA. So I hope that person at Aero who's been reading this has deciced to look one more time at my journal. So Friday was my last day. Check had better get here soon, cuz on monday I throw the shit at the fan.
I have an interview on tomorrow. Seems like a retailer that has a clue and is doing things right. So cross your figners for me. I usually don't need luck, it just happens, but let's not take any chances with this one.
I will keep you updated.
Oh, and *ridicule*