A month and a half ago My;f applied for a job online: Assistant Store Manager Home Depot. She sent in her resume to the recruitment firm and heard nothing back.
Two weeks ago I gte a call from the same firm for that very position. My;f was rightly pissed. How pissed will she be when she finds out that after I called the recruiter out on this and explained to this recruiter that my resume indicates I have no desire to work retail anymore, the quote is "To find a career opportunity away from the sales floor." that I get another call from that previous recruiters co-worked. Now I am pissed and wrote this woman a very nasty email:
Dear Claudia,
I have already been contacted for this job by Kenya Roberts(?). I had an extensive conversation with her about the position and the fact that my resume quite clearly states that I am not seeking a retail job. Seeing as this is the second person that has contacted me about this job despite how clear my resume is I am wondering if your firm needs employees that are capable of actually reading resumes. Now I am not just upset by this but added to this is the fact that a month ago I had a friend that was looking for a job that sent you her resume and got no response. She WAS a strong candidate that just did not have the right keywords on her resume. She is no longer in need of a job, but I still am. It does appear that many retail recruiters have not been doing a good job finding proper candidates for their positions. It seems like a job I could do better than most of the people I've spoken with, or that I've flat out ignored. I'll be giving you a call tomorrow during my lunch hour and I look forward to speaking to both you and your boss. I do apologize for taking my job search frustrations out on you, but this situation is both ridiculous and insulting. There is no way I should have received even one call for this position never mind two. If I am this frustrated and upset, I wonder how Home Depot must feel about the quality of candidates you are finding for them? I shall speak to you tomorrow.
She is going to get it and I am serious about wanting to speak to her boss about seeking a job with their company. they OBVIOUSLY need people that have a cluse as to what they are doing!
I know that letter is completely unprofessional but seriously!! I just want out of retail why can't they just read my resume?
Two weeks ago I gte a call from the same firm for that very position. My;f was rightly pissed. How pissed will she be when she finds out that after I called the recruiter out on this and explained to this recruiter that my resume indicates I have no desire to work retail anymore, the quote is "To find a career opportunity away from the sales floor." that I get another call from that previous recruiters co-worked. Now I am pissed and wrote this woman a very nasty email:
Dear Claudia,
I have already been contacted for this job by Kenya Roberts(?). I had an extensive conversation with her about the position and the fact that my resume quite clearly states that I am not seeking a retail job. Seeing as this is the second person that has contacted me about this job despite how clear my resume is I am wondering if your firm needs employees that are capable of actually reading resumes. Now I am not just upset by this but added to this is the fact that a month ago I had a friend that was looking for a job that sent you her resume and got no response. She WAS a strong candidate that just did not have the right keywords on her resume. She is no longer in need of a job, but I still am. It does appear that many retail recruiters have not been doing a good job finding proper candidates for their positions. It seems like a job I could do better than most of the people I've spoken with, or that I've flat out ignored. I'll be giving you a call tomorrow during my lunch hour and I look forward to speaking to both you and your boss. I do apologize for taking my job search frustrations out on you, but this situation is both ridiculous and insulting. There is no way I should have received even one call for this position never mind two. If I am this frustrated and upset, I wonder how Home Depot must feel about the quality of candidates you are finding for them? I shall speak to you tomorrow.
She is going to get it and I am serious about wanting to speak to her boss about seeking a job with their company. they OBVIOUSLY need people that have a cluse as to what they are doing!
I know that letter is completely unprofessional but seriously!! I just want out of retail why can't they just read my resume?
As far as the checklist goes, it's a rhetorical one. But if I did actually have one, she'd be all over it. Right now things are a little ambiguous though with us.