It's that time again. Time for people to bitch about the new site upgrade, and cry and throw temper-tantrums, and threaten to leave, to complain about how "corporate" the site has become. whaaaa-whaaa-whaaa. Shut the fuck up, please. How many sites can we list that still look like they are from 1998? How many other online communities are adding features as fast as SG? Is livejournal updating? Is friendster? Is myspace? Yeah the site is different than it was, but if the cool people leave then the community will die. As long as YOU stay and try to teach the new kids what sg is supposed to be about then the ideals will survive. Because when the community stops being respectful and forward thinking and fun then SG becomes just another website with nude models. That would be a very sad day. I don't want that to come to pass, so that's why i'm here. To try to remind people what made this place great. To try to keep it great. SG is what you make it. And at the end of the day the community is where SG makes it's money from, so if we stay true to what they started then they'll have to stay true to us.
That and I've been playing with the beta version, it's pretty flippin' cool.
That and I've been playing with the beta version, it's pretty flippin' cool.
It's not bitching it's constructive criticism!!

Beltran's been on fire, so has Figgins. But Isringhausen's gotten a couple of saves, Phillips has been hitting the ball well and Fielder will tide you over until Pujols gets back (obviously he's no Albert, but he's better than the anyone you'd have gotten off of the wire).