this kid
rocks my socks off.
In other news: I love the feeling I get after I clean the house. I hate cleaning the house but I love the feeling afterwards.
Oh! in some more news... I went to the drive in on Friday and sawa late night double feature picture show... House of Wax (not horrible) and The Amitville Horror ( disturbed me) never going to bring another man into my life if my hubby dies. never going to move into an old house that I haven't researched the shit out of.
I can't sleep because of that fucking movie. everytime I wake up to feed my baby boy I freak out because I swear I see people or things. Fucking movie. Bitches. I love Ryan Reynolds too. now he scares me. I almost made my husband move the car. It was horrible.
and I love scary movies.
fucking movie.
This Friday: Drive in again. i hope I don't have to watch XXX.shitty movie... no sequel needed.
rocks my socks off.
In other news: I love the feeling I get after I clean the house. I hate cleaning the house but I love the feeling afterwards.
Oh! in some more news... I went to the drive in on Friday and sawa late night double feature picture show... House of Wax (not horrible) and The Amitville Horror ( disturbed me) never going to bring another man into my life if my hubby dies. never going to move into an old house that I haven't researched the shit out of.
I can't sleep because of that fucking movie. everytime I wake up to feed my baby boy I freak out because I swear I see people or things. Fucking movie. Bitches. I love Ryan Reynolds too. now he scares me. I almost made my husband move the car. It was horrible.
and I love scary movies.
fucking movie.
This Friday: Drive in again. i hope I don't have to watch XXX.shitty movie... no sequel needed.
I love babies. I remember when my little girl was that small. They grow so fast.