Listening to Ambush Makeover... The shitiest show in the world. These "agents" suck ass. They are so rude.
Putting away dishes.
Microwaving veggie burgers for meatless tacos with wheat torties and cheese and salsa.
barking dog
sleeping baby boy
my birthday is on sunday I want to go get my hair done
that picture is from last year when I had bangs... It was prolly my b day.
Putting away dishes.
Microwaving veggie burgers for meatless tacos with wheat torties and cheese and salsa.
barking dog
sleeping baby boy
my birthday is on sunday I want to go get my hair done
that picture is from last year when I had bangs... It was prolly my b day.

PS...your veggie burger meatless tacos sound like a pretty good idea.