Last night was quite possibly the hardest night of my life. My son decided he wouldn't sleep from 12:00p to 4:00a not good times.
But all is well now. sitting at the computer listening to Talking heads .. our house in the middle of the street, drinking copius amounts of h2o. wanting a cheese snack but petrified to move so as not to disturb the sleeping bear on my chest.
I went to Costco on Sunday and my boob started to leak. people were looking at me funny. I was laughing. I don't embarass easily.
I have to get to work on my step mom's paper. but American Idol is on tonight! Anyone else watch that? Who do you think is going to win?
I have to go to the OB/GYN today so they can tell me if my c section scar is healing up... when i can take a bath... and when I can have sex.
to sex.
have a good day ya'll
Last night was quite possibly the hardest night of my life. My son decided he wouldn't sleep from 12:00p to 4:00a not good times.
But all is well now. sitting at the computer listening to Talking heads .. our house in the middle of the street, drinking copius amounts of h2o. wanting a cheese snack but petrified to move so as not to disturb the sleeping bear on my chest.
I went to Costco on Sunday and my boob started to leak. people were looking at me funny. I was laughing. I don't embarass easily.
I have to get to work on my step mom's paper. but American Idol is on tonight! Anyone else watch that? Who do you think is going to win?
I have to go to the OB/GYN today so they can tell me if my c section scar is healing up... when i can take a bath... and when I can have sex.

have a good day ya'll

A.I.!! i started watching it again this season. Last season was horrible. I'm in love with Bo Bice and Constantine, but who isn't. Oh and Nadia. how awesome did she look this week? Hawk and all.