How many people are lucky enough to begin a spontaneous performance of Dayman, Fighter of the Nightman, Champion of the Sun- resulting in the entire bar clapping and singing along? This girl!!!! Fuck Glee!!!! Things like that normally seem so cheezy- but it made my life!!! Next week at FATS- "The nightman cometh" hahaha. I have been having too much fun lately... i am scaring myself. Things are good; good; great. Ive been going to the gym almost every night, trying to gain some core strength since I feel like a weakling. My work is trying to kill me... but little do they know, I am stabitha and I will kill them first.

i will take down PETCO-Where the pets go (to die.)
I remember one time, with my old band after the show we went upstairs to the bar (the show was in the basement) to continue our drinking escapades and at one point we just started out chanting Ole! we kept doing it all night it was awesome. Other than that, and a few times at parties resulting in a large group of people singing cheesy ass country songs or anythign like that, I've never really gotten a crowd to break out in song with me.
I am glad things are going so well for you, even though you are being worked to death. I hope it pays off in the end. I need to start working out, too! I had weight loss surgery three years ago and yes, now I am thin, but my body is far from perfect. I need to do some major toning up. Plus, I am a weakling and a little strength training wouldn't hurt me one bit. I enjoyed the cartoon your posted. It made me giggle!
As for Petco, I so agree with you about them. They are really a bad business.