Awesome. Backspace button just owned me. Had a whole blog typed out, accidentally hit back. DAMNIT. oh well. Well life is good, boring, but good i guess. Wish summer was a little more active, but its hard to do much when youre broke. I need to start making more money SOMEhow. Also my work is closing this month! ugh. Im not excited to have to start catering again, that means having to dye my hair, and drive much further to work. I've just been hoping for a miracle, that somehow my store will make it. Doubt it.
warped tour is today... i had plans to go but i couldnt get off work, since i had to call off for tomorrow too. My friends are getting married!! Yay for them but it makes me feel old. haha.
Two people I know died this month. I dont deal well with death and i dont usually talk about it. I cant stop thinking about it because of the circumstances. Mark died in his sleep. I have a really hard time understanding how someone can so easily transition from being alive to dead in their sleep. Ashley OD'd, after she already OD'd a few weeks before. I just dont understand. I guess when youre that sick there is no cure.
i miss my friends.... wish they werent so busy/ too cool to give me a text like hey! whats up? at least i have my baby, hes the best.
some pitchasss!

been playing with dye.

getting tattooed

getting semi nude

warped tour is today... i had plans to go but i couldnt get off work, since i had to call off for tomorrow too. My friends are getting married!! Yay for them but it makes me feel old. haha.
Two people I know died this month. I dont deal well with death and i dont usually talk about it. I cant stop thinking about it because of the circumstances. Mark died in his sleep. I have a really hard time understanding how someone can so easily transition from being alive to dead in their sleep. Ashley OD'd, after she already OD'd a few weeks before. I just dont understand. I guess when youre that sick there is no cure.
i miss my friends.... wish they werent so busy/ too cool to give me a text like hey! whats up? at least i have my baby, hes the best.
some pitchasss!

been playing with dye.

getting tattooed

getting semi nude

-friends dying
-dead end job
-needing a MAJOR change
-being chronically broke
*Let's hope it gets better for both of us.
[which will be soon, i'm too habitual to wait too long inbetween sessions.]
wtf? mark gorney?! so fucking sad. i wish i could've come home for his funeral
can we start hello/how'z your day texting? some of us girls txt each other tit pictures as a form of daily amusement, haha.
<3 youuuuuu