One of my favorite SG's went up today!!! I
Mnislahi!!!!! Leave her lots of love!!
Got a job today...a real job. I'll be a cashier at the New Navy Exchange thats opening up at the base I live on. It opens May 7...thats in like a week or two!
And the guy was really nice...he said once the position opens up he'll try moving me to customer service cause thats where I really want to I got the experience.
Another boredom survey! I stole it from UNCARINGMACHINE
Yes, that makes me a theif.
1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Wright...I'm surprised I still remember.
2. Last person you kissed: The Boy
3. Last words you said: YAY! Cause Mnislahi's set went up!
4. Last song you sang: Letters To You by Finch
5. Last person you hugged: Ummm...I think the Boy
6. Last thing you laughed at: My friend Rae's daughter....she's a funny little girl.
8. What's in your CD player: Well my surround sound dvd player/cd player has MCR in it....My car cd player has Punk Goes Acoustic in it.
9. What socks are you wearing: Pink Fishnet socks
10. What's under your bed: Probably dust bunnies and maybe a few empty water bottles that my cats have knocked under there.
11. Current status: Alive
12. Current taste: The spearmint gum I just chewed
13. Current hair style: Short with half of it pink! I'm looking for a new hairstyle yet again though.
14. Current clothes: Jeans and Black Spaghetti strapped top with a white studded belt
15. Current Job: Oooh...just got a job today as a cashier at the new Navy Exchange...then when the position opens up I'll be working customer service....
16. Current longing: To be happy
17. Current desktop picture: Hello Kitty....hehehe
18. Current worry: That I'll never work my problems out
19. Current hate: Ummm...the fact that it's really hot here and my car doesn't have AC...most cars here don't bleh
20. Story behind your username: favorite color is pink and I
Zebra Print!!!
21. Current favorite article of clothing: My jean mini-skirt and green spaghetti strapped top and my white studded belt
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: A well-defined back or gorgeous eyes.
23. Last CD that you bought: My Chemical Romance
24. Favorite place to be: The Beach at's so peaceful
25. Least favorite place: At home by myself
26. Time you wake up in the morning: I'm a lazy ass...I don't usually get up until about 10am...but I have nothing better to do.
27. If you could play any instrument: Guitar or Drums!
29. Current favorite word/saying: *Smoosh*, Squishfactor and the most heard curse word out my mouth, FUCK
30. Favorite book: Prozac Nation
31. Favorite Movie: Probably Original Sin
32. Favorite Song: Letters To You by Finch or Helena by MCR
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: My best friend from elementary school, April
35. Favorite day: Friday
36. Where do you want to go: Czech Republic, Australia, Georgia, California or the Washington/Oregon area.
37. What is your career going to be: I hope to be a successful business owner one day with my own salon doing hair and make-up.
39. What kind of car will you have: My dream car which I probably will never have is a BMW 325i series!
41. A random lyric: Love Is Just An Excuse To Get Hurt
42. Eye Color: Light Brown
43. Hair Color: Auburn and Pink! My hair looks black/dark brown...but in the sun you can tell it's truly auburn...
44. Righty or Lefty: righty!
45. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
46.Innie or Outtie: It's kind of both
47. Your heritage: Native American Indian, Czech and French
48. The shoes you wore today: Zebra Print Flip Flops
49. Your hair: Kinda short...flips up a lot...but has a messy look to it at times...
50. Your weakness: Ice Cream and Attention
51. Your fears: Being Alone, Never being happy, Spiders and Heights
52. Your dream: To be happy and sucessful
53. Your most recent secret? Like I'm gonna tell you!
54. Your thoughts first waking up: I gotta pee, I gotta pee!!!
55. The first feature you notice in the (your prefference here) sex: Their eyes or smile
56. Your bedtime: I have no bedtime
57. Your most missed companion: Matt
58. Your perfect pizza: REAL Italian Pizza Magherita
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: sweet and chewy
60. Single or group dates: group dates are always fun
61. Dogs or Cats: I like both equally!
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I don't like tea!
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Depends on my mood
64. Cappuccino or coffee?:Cappuccino...Even then I'm not big on it...
65. Smoke: Ocassionally...I'm trying to quit
66. Curse: Like a FUCKING Sailor!
67. Sing: I like to sing...but doesn't mean I can
68. Take a shower everyday: Yeah
69. Have a crush: .......
71. Think you've been in love: Yes
72. Want to go to college: Don't think I'm quite college material
73. Want more than what you' got: Always
74. Want to get married: already am
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys:...Yes, yes I do...and have been doing so since I was 11 yrs old
76. Think you're attractive: I think so....
77. Think you're a health freak: Definitely not...but I try to be healthy!
78. Get along with your parents: My real dad and step mom...YES! My mom and step-dad NO!
79. Play an instrument: I can play a little piano
IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. drink: yup...every Friday night...or well ALMOST every Friday night...
81. Smoke: Yeah
82. Done a drug
83. Made Out: nope
84. Go on a date: not really
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
86. Eaten sushi: Yeah
87. Been dumped: no
88. Made homemade cookies: nope
89. Been in love: yeah
90. Gone skinny dipping: no
91. Dyed your hair: yeah
92. Stolen anything: no
93. Had too much to drink: If being drunk is having too much to drink, yeah...but I've never been sick from drinking
94. Been caught cheating: I dont cheat
95. Been called a tease: Yeah...but I wasn't trying to be
96. Gotten beaten up: No
97. Changed who you were to fit in: Nope...
98. Cried at something
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need? I doo that all the time
100. Cried when someone died: yes

Got a job today...a real job. I'll be a cashier at the New Navy Exchange thats opening up at the base I live on. It opens May 7...thats in like a week or two!

Another boredom survey! I stole it from UNCARINGMACHINE

1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Wright...I'm surprised I still remember.

2. Last person you kissed: The Boy
3. Last words you said: YAY! Cause Mnislahi's set went up!
4. Last song you sang: Letters To You by Finch
5. Last person you hugged: Ummm...I think the Boy
6. Last thing you laughed at: My friend Rae's daughter....she's a funny little girl.
8. What's in your CD player: Well my surround sound dvd player/cd player has MCR in it....My car cd player has Punk Goes Acoustic in it.
9. What socks are you wearing: Pink Fishnet socks
10. What's under your bed: Probably dust bunnies and maybe a few empty water bottles that my cats have knocked under there.
11. Current status: Alive
12. Current taste: The spearmint gum I just chewed
13. Current hair style: Short with half of it pink! I'm looking for a new hairstyle yet again though.
14. Current clothes: Jeans and Black Spaghetti strapped top with a white studded belt
15. Current Job: Oooh...just got a job today as a cashier at the new Navy Exchange...then when the position opens up I'll be working customer service....
16. Current longing: To be happy
17. Current desktop picture: Hello Kitty....hehehe
18. Current worry: That I'll never work my problems out
19. Current hate: Ummm...the fact that it's really hot here and my car doesn't have AC...most cars here don't bleh

20. Story behind your username: favorite color is pink and I

21. Current favorite article of clothing: My jean mini-skirt and green spaghetti strapped top and my white studded belt

22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: A well-defined back or gorgeous eyes.
23. Last CD that you bought: My Chemical Romance
24. Favorite place to be: The Beach at's so peaceful
25. Least favorite place: At home by myself
26. Time you wake up in the morning: I'm a lazy ass...I don't usually get up until about 10am...but I have nothing better to do.
27. If you could play any instrument: Guitar or Drums!
29. Current favorite word/saying: *Smoosh*, Squishfactor and the most heard curse word out my mouth, FUCK

30. Favorite book: Prozac Nation
31. Favorite Movie: Probably Original Sin
32. Favorite Song: Letters To You by Finch or Helena by MCR
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: My best friend from elementary school, April
35. Favorite day: Friday
36. Where do you want to go: Czech Republic, Australia, Georgia, California or the Washington/Oregon area.
37. What is your career going to be: I hope to be a successful business owner one day with my own salon doing hair and make-up.
39. What kind of car will you have: My dream car which I probably will never have is a BMW 325i series!
41. A random lyric: Love Is Just An Excuse To Get Hurt
42. Eye Color: Light Brown
43. Hair Color: Auburn and Pink! My hair looks black/dark brown...but in the sun you can tell it's truly auburn...
44. Righty or Lefty: righty!
45. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
46.Innie or Outtie: It's kind of both

47. Your heritage: Native American Indian, Czech and French
48. The shoes you wore today: Zebra Print Flip Flops
49. Your hair: Kinda short...flips up a lot...but has a messy look to it at times...

50. Your weakness: Ice Cream and Attention
51. Your fears: Being Alone, Never being happy, Spiders and Heights
52. Your dream: To be happy and sucessful
53. Your most recent secret? Like I'm gonna tell you!
54. Your thoughts first waking up: I gotta pee, I gotta pee!!!
55. The first feature you notice in the (your prefference here) sex: Their eyes or smile
56. Your bedtime: I have no bedtime
57. Your most missed companion: Matt
58. Your perfect pizza: REAL Italian Pizza Magherita
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: sweet and chewy
60. Single or group dates: group dates are always fun
61. Dogs or Cats: I like both equally!
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I don't like tea!
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Depends on my mood
64. Cappuccino or coffee?:Cappuccino...Even then I'm not big on it...
65. Smoke: Ocassionally...I'm trying to quit
66. Curse: Like a FUCKING Sailor!
67. Sing: I like to sing...but doesn't mean I can

68. Take a shower everyday: Yeah
69. Have a crush: .......

71. Think you've been in love: Yes
72. Want to go to college: Don't think I'm quite college material
73. Want more than what you' got: Always
74. Want to get married: already am
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys:...Yes, yes I do...and have been doing so since I was 11 yrs old
76. Think you're attractive: I think so....
77. Think you're a health freak: Definitely not...but I try to be healthy!
78. Get along with your parents: My real dad and step mom...YES! My mom and step-dad NO!
79. Play an instrument: I can play a little piano
IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. drink: yup...every Friday night...or well ALMOST every Friday night...
81. Smoke: Yeah
82. Done a drug

83. Made Out: nope
84. Go on a date: not really
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
86. Eaten sushi: Yeah
87. Been dumped: no
88. Made homemade cookies: nope
89. Been in love: yeah
90. Gone skinny dipping: no
91. Dyed your hair: yeah
92. Stolen anything: no
93. Had too much to drink: If being drunk is having too much to drink, yeah...but I've never been sick from drinking
94. Been caught cheating: I dont cheat
95. Been called a tease: Yeah...but I wasn't trying to be
96. Gotten beaten up: No
97. Changed who you were to fit in: Nope...
98. Cried at something
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need? I doo that all the time
100. Cried when someone died: yes
First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Strickland
2. Last person you kissed: A stripper..long story.
3. Last words you said: Gott'em Coach.
4. Last song you sang: Letters: Breath No More -Amy lee
5. Last person you hugged: Friend Sadie.
6. Last thing you laughed at: Adam..if you knew adam then you would too.
8. What's in your CD player: Petey Pablo, Linkin Park
9. What socks are you wearing: White cotton
10. What's under your bed: Probably dust bunnies and the boogie man we tend to leave him alone.
11. Current status: Alive
12. Current taste: Water...I'm in training...for drinking tonight.
13. Current hair style: In between styles....I'm in need of a haircut.
14. Current clothes: Jeans and a sky blue Outkast Tee
15. Current Job: I R Mechanic....and currently the Master of the Universe...which is why everything sucks so bad.
16. Current longing: To be happy....and get laid....alot.
17. Current desktop picture: changes alot.
18. Current worry: That I'll never find a chick that I would want to date...or have a night of no-strings attached sex...that I know way too many psyhco chicks.
19. Current hate: 95% of the people I work with.
20. Story behind your username: Well, It based on one of the four horsemen of the apoclypse.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: my "Just a Pirate chasing booty" Tee
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: A well-defined rack or gorgeous eyes, and long hair.
23. Last CD that you bought: Electra Soundtrack.
24. Favorite place to be: The Beach at night...anywhere by the water with the wind blowing.
25. Least favorite place: The Ship.
26. Time you wake up in the morning: Whenever the torment box(my alarm) wakes me up...which is about 4:30
27. If you could play any instrument: I already play the Drums so I would have to say Guitar.
29. Current favorite word/saying: It happens...Dude rammer....Special Special things...are you feeling special now?
30. Favorite book: Obsidan Butterfly
31. Favorite Movie: Sin City
32. Favorite Song: Broken Amy lee and Seether
34. One person from your past you wish you could: The Bi-girl who I messed with at Meps...we hit it off so well.
35. Favorite day: Friday
36. Where do you want to go: Spain.
37. What is your career going to be: I hope to be a successful business owner one day and own a club.
39. What kind of car will you have: Shelby GT
41. A random lyric: Take a chance you stupid ho...
42. Eye Color: Light Brown/dark brown
43. Hair Color: black
44. Righty or Lefty: righty!
45. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
46.Innie or Outtie: It's innie
47. Your heritage: Native American Indian, black
48. The shoes you wore today: Grey Addias
49. Your hair: Kinda short...
50. Your weakness: Ice Cream and Attention
51. Your fears: Being Alone, Never being happy, Being a prisoner in my own body
52. Your dream: To be happy and sucessful
53. Your most recent secret? Like I'm gonna tell you!
54. Your thoughts first waking up: I gotta pee, I gotta pee!!!
55. The first feature you notice in the (your prefference here) sex: Their eyes or boobs
56. Your bedtime: I have no bedtime
57. Your most missed companion: Yolanda
58. Your perfect pizza: Deep Dish, Cheesy crust Supreme.
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: sweet and chewy
60. Single or group dates: group dates are always fun
61. Dogs or Cats: Dogs
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
64. Cappuccino or coffee?:Cappuccino...Even then I'm not big on it...
65. Smoke: Ocassionally...No
66. Curse: Like a FUCKING Sailor!
67. Sing: I like to sing...but doesn't mean I can
68. Take a shower everyday: Yeah
69. Have a crush: .......
71. Think you've been in love: Yes
72. Want to go to college: Been there done that...
73. Want more than what you' got: Always
74. Want to get married : Sure
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys:...Yes, sometimes
76. Think you're attractive: I think so....
77. Think you're a health freak: Definitely not...
78. Get along with your parents: No.
79. Play an instrument: Drums...Bells.
IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. drink: yup...every Friday night...or well ALMOST every Friday night...
81. Smoke: No
82. Done a drug No
83. Made Out: Yes.
84. Go on a date: Not really.
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
86. Eaten sushi: No...hate the stuff
87. Been dumped: no
88. Made homemade cookies: nope
89. Been in love: NO
90. Gone skinny dipping: no
91. Dyed your hair: No
92. Stolen anything: no
93. Had too much to drink: Is that even possible.
94. Been caught cheating: Its not cheating its a retributive strike..and only if I catch her other words no.
95. Been called a tease: No...just isn't my style.
96. Gotten beaten up: No
97. Changed who you were to fit in: Nope...
98. Cried at something
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need?Yes
100. Cried when someone died: Yeah.