Well just got back from my softball game...thankfully it was just a scrimage...we got our asses kicked!! 16-0...hopefully we won't lose that bad on our first real game.
I'm beginning to think I'll never get better. The ear infection seems like it's about gone...but the cough just won't go away.
Naples is killing me.....
Anyway...Out of boredom..another survey thingy
*Time started: 10:57PM
*Name: Amber
*Nickname: Umm...nothing really
*Single or Taken: taken
*Sex: female
*Birthday: January 14
*Sign: Capricorn
*Siblings: An older brother
*Hair color: Auburn and Pink!
*Eye colour: Light Brown
*Shoe size: 6.5-7.5
*Height: 5'3"
*Innie or Outie: It's kind of both....is that possible?
*What are you wearing right now: Sports Bra and Black Shorts
*Where do you live: Italia
*Righty or lefty: righty
*Who are your closest friends?: Let's see....ummm...Brooke, Nick, Brent, M, Christianne...and a few other's...
*Best place to go for a date: I always thought an amusement part would be an awesome first date!!
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: Express, Old Navy, Hot Topic, PacSun...lots of other places
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Yes & Yes!
*Color: Green and Pink!
*Number(s): 3 & 13
*Food: REAL Italian Pizza, Fettucine Alfredo, Ice Cream...
*Boys name: Luca, Matthew, Brent or Joshua
*Girls name: Caralisa, Logan, Ariyana or Cadence
*Subject in school: English...the only subject I was ever REALLY good at
*Animal: Zebra's, Siberian Tigers and Koala's
*Drink: Gatorade, Water or Mt.Dew
*Celebrity: hmm....Johnny Depp is Hot...and there's a few others...can't think right now.
*Sport: Dancing, Softball and I like to watch College Football
*Veggie: Carrots, Corn and Steamed Brocoli
*Fruit: Apples, Bananas, Mango's, Pears, Grapes and Pineapple
*Fast food place: Arby's
*Place to visit: Georgia(home), Oviedo, FL , South Carolina, Cali, Tennessee
*Month: August...still warm but gradually cooling
*Juice: Raspberry/Cranberry or Cranberry/Apple or Apple Juice, Orange Juice...just about any kind of Juice...I love juice!!
*Finger: The one I use most??
*Ice Cream: Oooh...Ice Cream is my downfall...I'll eat just about any kind...but my faves are Mint Choco Chip, Fudge Brownie and Birthday Cake Ice Cream...
*Breakfast: Pancakes or Waffles...ooh...I especially love Cracker Barrel's Pecan Pancakes...and I like Fried Eggs with some toast.
*Perfume/Cologne: Perfume---Jean Paul Gautlier Original Collection, CK-Obsession or Cool Water
Have You Ever
*Given anyone a bath: Nope...can't say I have
*Smoked: yes.
*Bungee jumped: Umm...NOPE! I hate heights...
*Broken the law: Only from speeding...
*Made yourself throw-up: Only cause I was coughing too much..and it just happened...it was really an accident
*Gone skinny dipping: No...but I want to!!! Would someone like to take me??
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: First by accident...second because I HAD TO GO!!
*Eaten a dog biscuit: Hell No...do I look like a fucking dog???
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Come on...I'm smarter than that
*Loved someone that made you cry?: Yeah...lots of the people I love have made me cry
*Played truth or dare: Yeah...when I was like 12...nothing too exciting happened.
*Been in a physical fight: Nope...
*Been in a police car: nope.
*Been on a plane: Too Many Times!!!
*Been in a sauna: Yes, I hope to have my own one day
*Been in a hot tub: I want one of those, too!! They're awesome
*Swam in the ocean: yeah...but it's nothing to brag about...I don't like the ocean
*Fallen asleep in school: Lots of times
*Ever had a sex dream: Oh yeah...those are nice
*Broken someone's heart: Yeah...a few times
*Cried when someone died: Yes
*Flashed someone: yes.
*Lied: yeah
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: Can't say I have
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yes...and usually that person never called
*Saved e-mails: I have lots and lots of saved e-mails
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: Only so I know what sex feels like for them....I wouldn't want to be that way permanently though...
*Made out with JUST a friend?: a few times
*Been rejected? Unfortunately yes
*Been in love? Yeah
*Used someone: Yes, although I'm not proud of it
*Been cheated on? yeah
*Done something you regret? it happens.
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: Lips
*Blue: Water
*Happy: A feeling everyone seems to chase after
*Autumn: Beautiful Weather
*Cow: Milkshakes
*Greenland: Trees
*Your good luck charm: Don't have one
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: There's too many...not just one
*Your crush: .............
*Your most prized possession: Not Sure I have one...maybe my cats
*Last thing you ate: Some yummy...Italian Cheese Pizza
*Fave song: Lover I Don't Have To Love--Bright Eyes
*Thing that has happened to you this year: Umm...I grew and inch and a half
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: Yeah...but don't remember the experience
*Sore Throat: I have one now
*Cold: Unfortunately at least twice a year
*Stitches: Thanfully Never :knock on wood:
*Bloody nose: I think maybe once
*Crabs: Like the STD or the seafood??? NEVER the STD...but I have eaten some yummy crab cakes at a seafood restaurant
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: Not really
*Enjoy parks: They're grrrrrreat!!!
*Like picnics: I've never been on a picnic
take me, please??
*Like school: Never liked school....
*What schools have you gone to: Elementary, Middle and High School
*Hate anyone: Hate is such a strong word
*Who: I didn't say I hated anyone
*Who is the last person that called you: Ummm...The Boy from work earlier today
*Makes you laugh the most: Jack! He's smooshable!!
*Makes you smile: Lots of people
*Can make you feel better no matter what: Not too sure...cause not too many people can
*Was the last person you touched? Umm...no clue
*You talked to last: Raeanna
*You hugged?: The Boy...I think??
*Massaged: Hell If I know
*You Kissed?: The Boy
*You yelled at: The Boy...just a few earliers
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: Most of the time
*Do you get along with your family: Nope...especially my mom
*Do you do drugs: Prescription
*Color your hair?: Only...the pink part
*Piercings below the waist?: Not Yet
*Habla espanol: No Habla Espanol
*Stolen anything ever? Honestly No
*Obsessive: About some things
*Compulsive: About some things
*Anorexic: HAHAHA...yeah right!
*Depressed?: Yeah..a lot
*Suicidal?: Never...suicide is a selfish act
*what time is it now?: 11:41PM yeah i'm slow
I'm beginning to think I'll never get better. The ear infection seems like it's about gone...but the cough just won't go away.

Naples is killing me.....
Anyway...Out of boredom..another survey thingy

*Time started: 10:57PM
*Name: Amber
*Nickname: Umm...nothing really
*Single or Taken: taken
*Sex: female
*Birthday: January 14
*Sign: Capricorn
*Siblings: An older brother
*Hair color: Auburn and Pink!
*Eye colour: Light Brown
*Shoe size: 6.5-7.5
*Height: 5'3"
*Innie or Outie: It's kind of both....is that possible?

*What are you wearing right now: Sports Bra and Black Shorts
*Where do you live: Italia
*Righty or lefty: righty
*Who are your closest friends?: Let's see....ummm...Brooke, Nick, Brent, M, Christianne...and a few other's...
*Best place to go for a date: I always thought an amusement part would be an awesome first date!!
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: Express, Old Navy, Hot Topic, PacSun...lots of other places
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Yes & Yes!
*Color: Green and Pink!
*Number(s): 3 & 13
*Food: REAL Italian Pizza, Fettucine Alfredo, Ice Cream...
*Boys name: Luca, Matthew, Brent or Joshua
*Girls name: Caralisa, Logan, Ariyana or Cadence
*Subject in school: English...the only subject I was ever REALLY good at
*Animal: Zebra's, Siberian Tigers and Koala's
*Drink: Gatorade, Water or Mt.Dew
*Celebrity: hmm....Johnny Depp is Hot...and there's a few others...can't think right now.
*Sport: Dancing, Softball and I like to watch College Football
*Veggie: Carrots, Corn and Steamed Brocoli
*Fruit: Apples, Bananas, Mango's, Pears, Grapes and Pineapple
*Fast food place: Arby's
*Place to visit: Georgia(home), Oviedo, FL , South Carolina, Cali, Tennessee
*Month: August...still warm but gradually cooling
*Juice: Raspberry/Cranberry or Cranberry/Apple or Apple Juice, Orange Juice...just about any kind of Juice...I love juice!!
*Finger: The one I use most??
*Ice Cream: Oooh...Ice Cream is my downfall...I'll eat just about any kind...but my faves are Mint Choco Chip, Fudge Brownie and Birthday Cake Ice Cream...
*Breakfast: Pancakes or Waffles...ooh...I especially love Cracker Barrel's Pecan Pancakes...and I like Fried Eggs with some toast.
*Perfume/Cologne: Perfume---Jean Paul Gautlier Original Collection, CK-Obsession or Cool Water
Have You Ever
*Given anyone a bath: Nope...can't say I have
*Smoked: yes.
*Bungee jumped: Umm...NOPE! I hate heights...
*Broken the law: Only from speeding...
*Made yourself throw-up: Only cause I was coughing too much..and it just happened...it was really an accident
*Gone skinny dipping: No...but I want to!!! Would someone like to take me??
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: First by accident...second because I HAD TO GO!!
*Eaten a dog biscuit: Hell No...do I look like a fucking dog???
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Come on...I'm smarter than that
*Loved someone that made you cry?: Yeah...lots of the people I love have made me cry
*Played truth or dare: Yeah...when I was like 12...nothing too exciting happened.

*Been in a physical fight: Nope...
*Been in a police car: nope.
*Been on a plane: Too Many Times!!!
*Been in a sauna: Yes, I hope to have my own one day

*Been in a hot tub: I want one of those, too!! They're awesome
*Swam in the ocean: yeah...but it's nothing to brag about...I don't like the ocean
*Fallen asleep in school: Lots of times
*Ever had a sex dream: Oh yeah...those are nice

*Broken someone's heart: Yeah...a few times
*Cried when someone died: Yes
*Flashed someone: yes.
*Lied: yeah
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: Can't say I have
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yes...and usually that person never called
*Saved e-mails: I have lots and lots of saved e-mails
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: Only so I know what sex feels like for them....I wouldn't want to be that way permanently though...
*Made out with JUST a friend?: a few times
*Been rejected? Unfortunately yes
*Been in love? Yeah
*Used someone: Yes, although I'm not proud of it
*Been cheated on? yeah
*Done something you regret? it happens.
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: Lips
*Blue: Water
*Happy: A feeling everyone seems to chase after
*Autumn: Beautiful Weather
*Cow: Milkshakes
*Greenland: Trees
*Your good luck charm: Don't have one
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: There's too many...not just one
*Your crush: .............
*Your most prized possession: Not Sure I have one...maybe my cats

*Last thing you ate: Some yummy...Italian Cheese Pizza
*Fave song: Lover I Don't Have To Love--Bright Eyes
*Thing that has happened to you this year: Umm...I grew and inch and a half

Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: Yeah...but don't remember the experience
*Sore Throat: I have one now
*Cold: Unfortunately at least twice a year
*Stitches: Thanfully Never :knock on wood:
*Bloody nose: I think maybe once
*Crabs: Like the STD or the seafood??? NEVER the STD...but I have eaten some yummy crab cakes at a seafood restaurant
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: Not really
*Enjoy parks: They're grrrrrreat!!!
*Like picnics: I've never been on a picnic

*Like school: Never liked school....
*What schools have you gone to: Elementary, Middle and High School
*Hate anyone: Hate is such a strong word
*Who: I didn't say I hated anyone
*Who is the last person that called you: Ummm...The Boy from work earlier today
*Makes you laugh the most: Jack! He's smooshable!!
*Makes you smile: Lots of people
*Can make you feel better no matter what: Not too sure...cause not too many people can
*Was the last person you touched? Umm...no clue
*You talked to last: Raeanna
*You hugged?: The Boy...I think??
*Massaged: Hell If I know
*You Kissed?: The Boy
*You yelled at: The Boy...just a few earliers
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: Most of the time
*Do you get along with your family: Nope...especially my mom
*Do you do drugs: Prescription
*Color your hair?: Only...the pink part
*Piercings below the waist?: Not Yet
*Habla espanol: No Habla Espanol
*Stolen anything ever? Honestly No
*Obsessive: About some things
*Compulsive: About some things
*Anorexic: HAHAHA...yeah right!
*Depressed?: Yeah..a lot
*Suicidal?: Never...suicide is a selfish act
*what time is it now?: 11:41PM yeah i'm slow
i love your pictures......

very distracting profile picture..