So last night didn't happen. Was supposed to go out but plans pretty much fell through. But it happens ocassionally to everyone. Maybe next weekend
But when I did get back home last night after driving around with ender04 and rottenpucker trying to find a place to ear started hurting bad. Woke up this morning and it was still hurting so I cancelled plans that I had with my friend Rae and slept some more. The boy came home and got the heating pad out and told me to try that. It made it feel better for a little while but not for long. It's been aching all day.
So finally after we went and got dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants I went to the ER. Come to find out that I have an Ear Infection on top of the Bronchitis I also found out I have.
Fun Stuff!! See that's the only problem I have about Italy...I used to be so healthy but since living here...I think I'm the most sickly person alive.
Since being here I have had or developed:
-Strep Throat
-Bronchitis TWICE
-Thygeson's Disease
-Ear Infection
-Numerous Cold's
-Numerous Sinus Infections
-More Allergies
-Conjunctivitis TWICE
The only problems I've had before were an occasional cold or sinus infection and allergies. I'm beginning to think this place is killing me.
Okay it's an exaggeration but still.
All I know is I want this ear infection and bronchitis to go away by Tuesday so I can play Softball.
In other news...I'm going to attempt to teach myself to crochet and knit.
I have to find a place on the net though to order some yarn and crocheting needles, etc...since I can't get that stuff here...or if I can...I don't know where...I don't think it'd be easily available. That or I'm going to see if my mom or a friend can send me some from the states.
Is there any skill you're currently trying to teach yourself or master?? Is there anything you're interested in learning??
Well I'm going to go take a bunch of drugs, get a bowl of ice cream and watch the telly....and then go to bed. So goodnite kiddies!!
Quick Update Before Bed:
Just want to know...anyone else seen this?? Is this shit real??? Someone posted the news on myspace

But when I did get back home last night after driving around with ender04 and rottenpucker trying to find a place to ear started hurting bad. Woke up this morning and it was still hurting so I cancelled plans that I had with my friend Rae and slept some more. The boy came home and got the heating pad out and told me to try that. It made it feel better for a little while but not for long. It's been aching all day.
So finally after we went and got dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants I went to the ER. Come to find out that I have an Ear Infection on top of the Bronchitis I also found out I have.

Since being here I have had or developed:
-Strep Throat
-Bronchitis TWICE
-Thygeson's Disease
-Ear Infection
-Numerous Cold's
-Numerous Sinus Infections
-More Allergies
-Conjunctivitis TWICE
The only problems I've had before were an occasional cold or sinus infection and allergies. I'm beginning to think this place is killing me.

All I know is I want this ear infection and bronchitis to go away by Tuesday so I can play Softball.

In other news...I'm going to attempt to teach myself to crochet and knit.

Is there any skill you're currently trying to teach yourself or master?? Is there anything you're interested in learning??
Well I'm going to go take a bunch of drugs, get a bowl of ice cream and watch the telly....and then go to bed. So goodnite kiddies!!

Quick Update Before Bed:
Just want to know...anyone else seen this?? Is this shit real??? Someone posted the news on myspace

i gotta run, i'll talk to you soon!