I'm almost better...still got a bit of a cough left though.
Tonight I have Softball Practice! Yup, you heard it...Softball.
I decided I needed something to do that would keep me busy and help me get back into shape and I figured softball was a good start. I joined my friend Rae's team when I found out she had joined a team. Since I had been gone though...I'm only going to get one practice in before our first game. I don't think I'll be that bad...but then again it's been about 10 years since I last played.
Our first game is this Tuesday. But we'll have practices in between games...so I'll probably get a few more practices in before our 2nd game. The main thing I'm worried about is batting. I never was very good when I was young...but maybe it's improved with age.
I'm sure it'll be fine though...my friend Rae said half the girls on the team are only there to get out of the house and can't play worth crap. They're all requesting to be in the outfield so they don't have to do much.
Are team name is awesome, too. I don't know who chose it but we're the Wenches....hahaha I just think thats the funniest shit. I have to pick a number today, too. The two numbers I would've wanted are already taken...so now I'm not sure what number to pick. Any suggestions???
Hopefully this cough won't get in the way of playing tonight...that'll suck.
I just hope it goes away for good by Tuesday.
What's everyone's plan for this weekend???
Pink Z.

Tonight I have Softball Practice! Yup, you heard it...Softball.
I decided I needed something to do that would keep me busy and help me get back into shape and I figured softball was a good start. I joined my friend Rae's team when I found out she had joined a team. Since I had been gone though...I'm only going to get one practice in before our first game. I don't think I'll be that bad...but then again it's been about 10 years since I last played.

Hopefully this cough won't get in the way of playing tonight...that'll suck.

What's everyone's plan for this weekend???

Pink Z.
Wait a minute...I don't want to get personal...but...You're married and you haven't been laid in three months? Sweetie...you're too young for that....You need to get a little cock in ya'....or a big cock in ya' or somethin'. (oh god, I just typed "cock in ya", I'm so sorry. I'm drunk!)
Glad you're feeling better hun... as far as the cutesy little shoes thing goes, a friend of mine has a little girl who started making these things for her friends (the little girl is 8), and somehow they got popular throughout the southeastern states, but children shall be children, and she got tired of it... so now, I have kind of have a job lol