Last night was fucking crazy!!!
So...Krystal, Brittany, Cody and I went out last night and met up with Adam, Nick, RJ and Justin at a bar in Caserta Sud. We all had a drink and talked for a little bit then decided to find a club so we could dance. So we drove around 3 of the clubs we tried to go to were closed so we went to the last one and by time we got there it was 1am and they closed at 2am...and there were only old people there so we said, it's not worth it and went back to the car. We sat around in the parking lot of the club for about 30 minutes...vandalizing Nicks POS car. He let us key it...and do all kinds of crazy shit.
Well after sitting there trying to think of something to do...RJ, Adam and Nick suggested sneaking into the Royal Palace...something they had all done before.
So of course the rest of us agree to it cause we think it's a good idea. Now the Royal Palace is about Italy's equivalent to the Buckingham Palace. So sneaking in is a big No-No. Oh and it's also where the shot some of the scenes for Star Wars Phantom Menace movie. It was used as Queen Amadala's (sp?) Palace. Craziness!!!
So we get to a wall down some street with no traffic. They pulled the car up next to a light pole to make it easier for us to get up...considering this wall was about 15 feet high. And of course on all nights...I decided to wear a mini skirt. That was not good while trying to climb a pole against a 15 foot wall...and add the fact that I'm extremely short compared to everyone else...I had a lot of problems. Everyone got numerous peep shows last night.
Well we got over the wall and started walking quietly around. That place is so creepy at night. RJ and Adam were telling us experiences they'd had previously when sneaking in. RJ freaked me out...cause he came one time and there were all these people in white robes at one of the old mansions in the garden and they were chanting and sacrificing goats. Come to find out from one of his's a cult that goes there regularly to worship because the garden is such a sacred place to them. So that was creepy..but luckily we didn't run into any cults last night.
The place was creepy yet beautiful and peaceful at the same time. We went through some dark cave like couldn't even see your hand in front of you...that was the worst part.
Eventually we went over this little fence that had these spear like things at the top and I pretty much stabbed my leg on it. Now I have a massive bruise and knot on my leg from it. After getting over the fence we walked up these really steep hills to get to the top of the waterfall which went into the fountain at the bottom. It was so beautiful. I could've stayed there all night. Sitting on the rocks with only the sound of the was so peaceful and you could see the entire palace from the top. I want to go back for that sole purpose. We stayed at the waterfall for about an hour. It was great.
Then we walked back down to the fountain and looked around for a little bit. We started heading back to the wall so we could leave and the surveillance camera's saw us. But we got back to the car successfully without getting caught. Trying to get back over the wall again was a pain in the fucking ass. I scraped up the inside of my thighs trying to scoot about 10 feet along the concrete wall so I could get to the pole. After sliding down the pole and the guys trying to get me back on top of the car my whole skirt came up.
It was quite interesting.
We got breakfast after it all at about 4am at a little cafe that was still open. Got home at about 4:30am and fell asleep fast. It was a fun night though. The thrill of getting caught was exhilorating. And I have battle wounds to remember it by for a while. My legs are covered in massive bruises, cuts and scrapes. But I was a trooper and made it through all that in a mini-skirt.

So...Krystal, Brittany, Cody and I went out last night and met up with Adam, Nick, RJ and Justin at a bar in Caserta Sud. We all had a drink and talked for a little bit then decided to find a club so we could dance. So we drove around 3 of the clubs we tried to go to were closed so we went to the last one and by time we got there it was 1am and they closed at 2am...and there were only old people there so we said, it's not worth it and went back to the car. We sat around in the parking lot of the club for about 30 minutes...vandalizing Nicks POS car. He let us key it...and do all kinds of crazy shit.
Well after sitting there trying to think of something to do...RJ, Adam and Nick suggested sneaking into the Royal Palace...something they had all done before.
So of course the rest of us agree to it cause we think it's a good idea. Now the Royal Palace is about Italy's equivalent to the Buckingham Palace. So sneaking in is a big No-No. Oh and it's also where the shot some of the scenes for Star Wars Phantom Menace movie. It was used as Queen Amadala's (sp?) Palace. Craziness!!!

So we get to a wall down some street with no traffic. They pulled the car up next to a light pole to make it easier for us to get up...considering this wall was about 15 feet high. And of course on all nights...I decided to wear a mini skirt. That was not good while trying to climb a pole against a 15 foot wall...and add the fact that I'm extremely short compared to everyone else...I had a lot of problems. Everyone got numerous peep shows last night.

Well we got over the wall and started walking quietly around. That place is so creepy at night. RJ and Adam were telling us experiences they'd had previously when sneaking in. RJ freaked me out...cause he came one time and there were all these people in white robes at one of the old mansions in the garden and they were chanting and sacrificing goats. Come to find out from one of his's a cult that goes there regularly to worship because the garden is such a sacred place to them. So that was creepy..but luckily we didn't run into any cults last night.
The place was creepy yet beautiful and peaceful at the same time. We went through some dark cave like couldn't even see your hand in front of you...that was the worst part.
Eventually we went over this little fence that had these spear like things at the top and I pretty much stabbed my leg on it. Now I have a massive bruise and knot on my leg from it. After getting over the fence we walked up these really steep hills to get to the top of the waterfall which went into the fountain at the bottom. It was so beautiful. I could've stayed there all night. Sitting on the rocks with only the sound of the was so peaceful and you could see the entire palace from the top. I want to go back for that sole purpose. We stayed at the waterfall for about an hour. It was great.
Then we walked back down to the fountain and looked around for a little bit. We started heading back to the wall so we could leave and the surveillance camera's saw us. But we got back to the car successfully without getting caught. Trying to get back over the wall again was a pain in the fucking ass. I scraped up the inside of my thighs trying to scoot about 10 feet along the concrete wall so I could get to the pole. After sliding down the pole and the guys trying to get me back on top of the car my whole skirt came up.

We got breakfast after it all at about 4am at a little cafe that was still open. Got home at about 4:30am and fell asleep fast. It was a fun night though. The thrill of getting caught was exhilorating. And I have battle wounds to remember it by for a while. My legs are covered in massive bruises, cuts and scrapes. But I was a trooper and made it through all that in a mini-skirt.

FYI, its a replica of the Versalle Palace, about 3/4 of the original's size...