I feel so worn lately. I'm just so tired. I'm not sure if it's because I seem to have been just going and going all this week and part of last week or if it's this horrid weather.
It was so cold today and then it started raining tonight. I'm really, really getting tired of this rain.
I want warm sunny weather. I want to be able to go to Ischia and enjoy the sun at Negombo and try to get a tan.
Enough whining though.
Today I went with Un4given and Jess to go downtown.. We shopped at the market and I found these REALLY cute black shoes. I'll have to get pictures later
Also bought some sunglasses, they kind of look like those pilot/trooper glasses. Hard to explain but they're pink and I
them!! hehehe I wanted these shoes I've been looking for everywhere but I didn't get them cause I didn't think I had enough euro for the rest of the day if I got them. They were these grey/black/white--ish shoes that looked almost like cowboy boots. They were so awesome. But of course at the end of the day...I had JUST enough to get them...but I couldn't go back
I'm hoping to go back next week for them.
After the market we got lunch and then went to the Royal Palace which is where the King/Queen lived when Italy had Kings and Queens. That place was absolutely gorgeous and huge!!!
I have plenty of pictures to share but I'm too tired to re-size them and such tonight. But I will get them by the end of next week.
Looks like I won't be going out tomorrow night.
Money is tight right now. I already bought my pink hair dye and 2 pairs of shoelaces from HotTopic this week and then spent 45 euros today. And the Hubby says no more spending until the next paycheck...and thats not until the 15th. Even then I cant really do any spending then because we have to save as much as we can for our trip home on the 25th of March. So I don't have the money to go out...but thats okay...I'll find something to do. I think I'm actually going to Volunteer for Jess's little sister's school dance. They need 4 more chaperones and I figure it won't be all that boring so I might as well do it if it gives me something to do.
I can't wait to go home though...not too long now
We'll be back in the states for 3 weeks.
Well it's time for bed...I'm dead tired...I'm going to try and catch up on my sleep tonight.
What's everyone's plans for this weekend???
P. Zebra
It was so cold today and then it started raining tonight. I'm really, really getting tired of this rain.

Enough whining though.

Today I went with Un4given and Jess to go downtown.. We shopped at the market and I found these REALLY cute black shoes. I'll have to get pictures later

Also bought some sunglasses, they kind of look like those pilot/trooper glasses. Hard to explain but they're pink and I

After the market we got lunch and then went to the Royal Palace which is where the King/Queen lived when Italy had Kings and Queens. That place was absolutely gorgeous and huge!!!

Looks like I won't be going out tomorrow night.

Well it's time for bed...I'm dead tired...I'm going to try and catch up on my sleep tonight.

What's everyone's plans for this weekend???
P. Zebra

I'm sorry about the no spending thing...I have been doing a lot of that lately with trying to buy a house....but I do a lot of "window shopping" via internet...
Have a great weekend!!
There was a lot of CRYING, which was odd, and seems to further the idea that girls are silly and cry over every little thing.