I just got back from France about 30 minutes ago
I had a great time but I was so ready to come home. It rained all weekend up there and then yesterday it even started snowing...I was not prepared for snow
--Went to a parfume factory...made me sneeze like crazy...but some of the stuff smelled good.
--Went to a chocolat factory....YUM!! Got some goodies
--Arrived to the hotel in France about about 12:00pm
--Didn't actually get checked in to our room until about 12:30pm
--Had to be ready and back downstairs by 1pm
....Had to do a rush job of taking a shower and getting ready.
--Went with the group to Carnivale
--Christianne introduced me to Crepes...they are so, so YUMMY!!
--Paid 10 euros to get into the "standing" area of Carnivale but you couldn't see crap
--Finally found a spot to take lots of pictures of the floats and such.
--Enjoyed the Carnivale
--Bought silly string and a mask that looked like a
...got sprayed with silly string by random people...but it was fun.
--Started raining so we started walking back , but the bus wasn't leaving to go back until around 6pm and it was only about 3pm.
--Walked around trying to find Christiannes Mama and Papa....never found them
--Got followed by two French guys....they started hitting on me
and one of them immediately started trying to kiss me and asked me to kiss him. Told him I was married and he said "Americano...no problem" apparently he thinks all American women are unfaithful. Then he goes on to straight up ask me for SEX
....they followed Christianne and I to McD's and wouldn't leave us alone. The one bugging me started trying to rub my ear and brush his hand through my hair...even went as far as to try and put his hand on my thigh near my hip...I wanted to smack him
Eventually he got the hint and left...but then he was yelling something at me in French...I'm sure it was something like "Stupid Bitch" or whatnot..lol.
--Next we caught the bus and went back to the hotel, rested for about and hour and a half.
--Went back out with our tour guide Eric and another boy named Jordan...There wasn't anyone really mine and Christiannes age so we were hanging out with those two boys which were 15 and 16
They were cool though and pretty mature...the 16 year old especially...he's graduating at 16...he's really smalrt
--We kept missing the bus to go back to where the Carnivale was...so we ended up walking...gave me a chance to put some SG stickers out there
We walked all the way to the Carnivale area but we didn't realize how far it was...we ended up walking about 3-4 miles just to get there...took forever...by time we got there..the lights festival thing was over
--Walked and explored a little...then tried to catch the bus back home...we were told it ran until 12am...it was only 10pm...found out from someone else that it had already stoped running for the day
My feet hurt and I was tired.
--Walked about a third of the way back and ended up paying a taxi 30 euros for a 5-10 minute drive back
--Had to be up and ready by 8am. So we got ready and got breakfast downstairs cause it was free.
--Got all dressed up because we were supposed to be going to the MonteCarlo Cassino...wearing heels was not fun since my feet were swollen from doing all the walking the day before
--Get to Monacco and find the bus to go to MonteCarlo.
--Took some pretty pictures of the path leading up to MonteCarlo.
--Got some pictures of this NICE Ferarri sitting out frong...wish it was mine
--Then we found out the MonteCarlo didn't even open until 2pm...it was only 10am and we were supposed to leave to go back to Nice at 1pm
They didn't plan the trip very well.
--Found another little Casino to gamble at...only spent 10 euros...won about 20 euros then turned around and put it back into the machine and lost it.
--Went to watch the "Changing of The Guards"...kind of boring to me
--Started Snowing!!! This was a big deal to me cause I haven't seen snow in about 10 years...but also sucked cause I wasn't dressed for snow nor did I bring clothes for snow
but it still made me happy
--Went back to Nice and went to down to where Carnivale was at and Christianne and I wandered aimlessly for about 4hours. But we did find some good stores.
--Got a cure pair of jeans for only 22euros.
--We got crepes...wasn't as good as the first ones we got
--Rode the Ferris Wheel there...made me extremely nervous because I don 't like heights and I over analyze possible situations
But after it was done I was glad I got on it.
--Headed back to the bus and went back to the Hotel.
--Went upstairs and changed, then we came back down. Had a drink or two at the bar...introduced Bailey's to Christianne.
--Went to bed and passed out.
--Up and ready by 8am again.
--Checked out...
--Started out way back to Naples, Italy.
--Saw lots of snow everywhere for most of the trip it was very beautiful.
--Finally made it home at about 8:30pm
Have lots of pictures but I'll post them later cause I'm tired and I still have to download the softwear for my camera to download the pics.
How was everyones weekend???

I had a great time but I was so ready to come home. It rained all weekend up there and then yesterday it even started snowing...I was not prepared for snow

--Went to a parfume factory...made me sneeze like crazy...but some of the stuff smelled good.
--Went to a chocolat factory....YUM!! Got some goodies

--Arrived to the hotel in France about about 12:00pm
--Didn't actually get checked in to our room until about 12:30pm
--Had to be ready and back downstairs by 1pm

--Went with the group to Carnivale
--Christianne introduced me to Crepes...they are so, so YUMMY!!

--Paid 10 euros to get into the "standing" area of Carnivale but you couldn't see crap

--Finally found a spot to take lots of pictures of the floats and such.
--Enjoyed the Carnivale
--Bought silly string and a mask that looked like a

--Started raining so we started walking back , but the bus wasn't leaving to go back until around 6pm and it was only about 3pm.

--Walked around trying to find Christiannes Mama and Papa....never found them

--Got followed by two French guys....they started hitting on me

--Next we caught the bus and went back to the hotel, rested for about and hour and a half.
--Went back out with our tour guide Eric and another boy named Jordan...There wasn't anyone really mine and Christiannes age so we were hanging out with those two boys which were 15 and 16

--We kept missing the bus to go back to where the Carnivale was...so we ended up walking...gave me a chance to put some SG stickers out there

--Walked and explored a little...then tried to catch the bus back home...we were told it ran until 12am...it was only 10pm...found out from someone else that it had already stoped running for the day

--Walked about a third of the way back and ended up paying a taxi 30 euros for a 5-10 minute drive back


--Had to be up and ready by 8am. So we got ready and got breakfast downstairs cause it was free.
--Got all dressed up because we were supposed to be going to the MonteCarlo Cassino...wearing heels was not fun since my feet were swollen from doing all the walking the day before

--Get to Monacco and find the bus to go to MonteCarlo.
--Took some pretty pictures of the path leading up to MonteCarlo.
--Got some pictures of this NICE Ferarri sitting out frong...wish it was mine

--Then we found out the MonteCarlo didn't even open until 2pm...it was only 10am and we were supposed to leave to go back to Nice at 1pm

--Found another little Casino to gamble at...only spent 10 euros...won about 20 euros then turned around and put it back into the machine and lost it.

--Went to watch the "Changing of The Guards"...kind of boring to me

--Started Snowing!!! This was a big deal to me cause I haven't seen snow in about 10 years...but also sucked cause I wasn't dressed for snow nor did I bring clothes for snow

--Went back to Nice and went to down to where Carnivale was at and Christianne and I wandered aimlessly for about 4hours. But we did find some good stores.
--Got a cure pair of jeans for only 22euros.
--We got crepes...wasn't as good as the first ones we got

--Rode the Ferris Wheel there...made me extremely nervous because I don 't like heights and I over analyze possible situations

--Headed back to the bus and went back to the Hotel.
--Went upstairs and changed, then we came back down. Had a drink or two at the bar...introduced Bailey's to Christianne.
--Went to bed and passed out.
--Up and ready by 8am again.
--Checked out...
--Started out way back to Naples, Italy.
--Saw lots of snow everywhere for most of the trip it was very beautiful.
--Finally made it home at about 8:30pm

Have lots of pictures but I'll post them later cause I'm tired and I still have to download the softwear for my camera to download the pics.
How was everyones weekend???

It actually did not hurt that bad at all, just a quick pinch and it was over!!!
Have a great day!!!!!!