Went to Belly Dance class again today
. "M" came over and went to the gym but didn't do the class with me. Then I had to rush to my Dr.'s appt for my eyes...I got ready in 20 minutes (including shower, little bit of makeup, etc)...thats a new record for me
Trey and "M" went and got 'Sandwhich Man' while I was at the Dr.'s and met me back at the house with lunch
"M" bleached part of my hair...then she went home. It took forever to get my hair to lighten up...it took about 80 minutes total
. I have never ever bleached my hair so this was a new experience. After it was bleached, I dyed it pink
. It's just part of my hair though...not all of it. I'll have pictures soon. I think it looks cute
I have to go to Agnano first thing in the morning so they can put my old lenses from my glasses into my new frames. They're the same frames...just the ones I have now are broke
. Sucks cause I wanted to be able to wear my contacts but the Dr. said no contacts until Monday. So I HAVE to get my lenses in my new frames tomorrow that way I don't have to wear broken ones to France.
I leave at 8:30pm tomorrow for Nice, France
I can't wait I'm so excited!! But now I must go pack...I haven't even started
What's everyone's plans for this long weekend??

Trey and "M" went and got 'Sandwhich Man' while I was at the Dr.'s and met me back at the house with lunch

"M" bleached part of my hair...then she went home. It took forever to get my hair to lighten up...it took about 80 minutes total

I have to go to Agnano first thing in the morning so they can put my old lenses from my glasses into my new frames. They're the same frames...just the ones I have now are broke

I leave at 8:30pm tomorrow for Nice, France

What's everyone's plans for this long weekend??

I'm staying home and watching 'the superbowl of auto racing', the Daytona 500, woo-hooo!
I can't believe you don't already have pictures up....can't wait to see the pink hair!! I think I want a hot pink streak through mine...my stylist would flip though....he's very preppy!
Have fun in France!! I have a little date tomorrow night (with a different boy)....then Saturday night the boy is going to a party with me.....nothing too exciting!!!