Good Friday Night...I went out with "M" and the group...we went to a little Reggae Club/Bar in Licola. Spilled half my drink down the front of my shirt
...that was fun
....and then Shawn spilled his drink down my legs twice...that was cold, cause I had on a jean mini-skirt
But it was all fun....I ended up being a D/D...I was sober by time we left and had to take some people home.
And today....I actually went through it and got my nipples pierced!!!!
I'll have pictures in a few days
It didn't hurt at all...I was really surprised
at how little the pain was. There really wasn't any pain...just felt like a pinch...I already
them!!! "M" came with me...Trey drove us there.
The place was really nice, too...really clean and friendly. I'm just so happy I got them done!!
Friday I leave for France!!!

And today....I actually went through it and got my nipples pierced!!!!

Friday I leave for France!!!

Do you ever feel like that?
I know things are bound to start looking up. Life is really good for me in so many ways. I just don't understand how things got to be the way they are. It's cool, I have a therapist and he helps me figure out how things got this way. But I still just can't believe it sometimes. Things were supposed to be better.
I guess it's this Valentines shit. I don't want to be one of those bitter, lonely Valentines people. It just bugs the shit out of me this year! Especially since I'm stuck up in the mountains, alone and my knee and shoulder are all busted up. It's all so fucking depressing.
I'm sorry, I'm in such a dark funk. I don't mean to bring you down.
Happy Valentines Day