Another movie night with Christianne. We went and got pizza from Papa Johns and then came back and watched Paparazzi. That movie was so good!
I missed my belly dancing class today cause I woke up sneezing and couldn't stop
But I'll go on Tuesday...they have it every Tuesday and Thursday so it's not like I missed much...
Now I'm watching Little Black far it's good.
OH...and I finally got some army points today...woohoo!! A whopping 30 of them
I submitted 2 news stories...hehehe
Trey is on night shift another lonely night by myself
And it's storming ouside
storms!! I love watching the lightening and listening to the thunder. hehehe
Well night-night kids
OKAY...I'm adding to this entry because I've been searching for about 2 hours now on the net for something and it's bugging the shit out of me that I cannot find it. So I'm hoping someone will run across my profile and know where I can find it or lead me in the right direction. There's this Italian singer named Elisa and she has made a Full English Album....and I want it...but I can't find ANYWHERE to buy it. I just want her album because I love her songs.
Somebody help me please
I missed my belly dancing class today cause I woke up sneezing and couldn't stop
Now I'm watching Little Black far it's good.
OH...and I finally got some army points today...woohoo!! A whopping 30 of them
Trey is on night shift another lonely night by myself
And it's storming ouside
Well night-night kids
OKAY...I'm adding to this entry because I've been searching for about 2 hours now on the net for something and it's bugging the shit out of me that I cannot find it. So I'm hoping someone will run across my profile and know where I can find it or lead me in the right direction. There's this Italian singer named Elisa and she has made a Full English Album....and I want it...but I can't find ANYWHERE to buy it. I just want her album because I love her songs.
hey, does this help?
thats cool... always here to help!