I'm so disgusted by you all. Suing SGs that have QUIT. Why did they leave, hmm? BECAUSE YOU TREATED THEM LIKE SHIT. You will never have the kind of models you had (Apnea, Katie, Volitaire, Sicily... the list goes on). I hope your empire falls like the city of Atlantas.
There, I vented my rage.
Fuck You SG. If I had know what you were...
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There, I vented my rage.
Fuck You SG. If I had know what you were...
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Watching these girls drop like flies... WHERE ARE YOUR FAMILIAR FACES??? Volitare, Apnea, Aries, Sicily, Ciel... there are 7 pages. Some left for good reasons, others left because they were sick of being treated like shit. And to them I say "Thank you for having the balls to give SG a big FUCK YOU". I will no longer support a site that verbally abuses it's...
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Happy Happy birthday to you

ohhhhhh..... welllllll....... uhmmmmm....... IT DOES FUCKIN SUCK I LUVED VOLITARE!!!! BUT TODAY IS UR DAY SOOOOOOOOO......
"Happiness is like a butterfly.
The more you chase it, the more it will elude you.
But if you turn your attention to other things,
it comes and softly sits on your shoulder."
I've come to sit on UR shoulder...... hope u don't mind?????
ohhhh and here have a WARM FUZZY!!!!!!

"Happiness is like a butterfly.
The more you chase it, the more it will elude you.
But if you turn your attention to other things,
it comes and softly sits on your shoulder."


ohhhh and here have a WARM FUZZY!!!!!!
WHOOHOO! I got my CRX!

So I have my mohawk again! WOOHOO! lol.
I'm going to look at a 1991 Honda CRX tonight. I"m so fucking excited! I REALLY WANT THIS CAR.
I'm going to look at a 1991 Honda CRX tonight. I"m so fucking excited! I REALLY WANT THIS CAR.

Man, I just watched "Inked" on A&E, and the episode with the apprentice made me so nervous. I don't fuck around like he did, but It still made me nervous. UGH. I get so freaked out that they're not gonna like me, and toss me. Damn. They seem cool with me...
I have no idea what me problem is...
I have no idea what me problem is...

I don't dream since I quit sleeping...
and I haven't slept, since I met you....
and I haven't slept, since I met you....
actually in PA there is no licence required any idiot could buy stuff and tattoo and pierce who ever is ignorant enough to let them... but most tattoo apprentices will aprentice for a few years. It all really depends, though, on the shop and how you get your apprenticship. I mean if you flat out pay for it you could probably do it in a year or two and move on some places, though, might cut you a deal like less money but you have to stay with the shop. That's what I did. My official apprenticeship for piercing is going to be over in two weeks and I stareted in middle of May.
How long have you been apprenticing, and are you apprenticing for piercings and tattoos or just one of them.
How long have you been apprenticing, and are you apprenticing for piercings and tattoos or just one of them.
I wish I had bigger boobies
They're so much fun!

Well, I got stood up last night by the first guy I've liked that's within 3 years of my age. It sucks.

I pulled my back, I have to piss, and i had awesome webcam sex with a guy I don't know.
Sounds like one hell of a weekend to me.
I pulled my back, I have to piss, and i had awesome webcam sex with a guy I don't know.
Sounds like one hell of a weekend to me.
So Geoff came home.
It really shows how much things have changed since
kev died. I don't feel like I fit with all of my old friends.
And it doesn't really bother me.
I'm happy with the people I have now. And the people I'm meeting through the tattoo shop.
You know that feeling you get when you are no longer in control of your...
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It really shows how much things have changed since
kev died. I don't feel like I fit with all of my old friends.
And it doesn't really bother me.
I'm happy with the people I have now. And the people I'm meeting through the tattoo shop.
You know that feeling you get when you are no longer in control of your...
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HA - I had no idea how hard it would be to find a single guy in his thirties that is a romantic & a sex addict
You laugh, but it's harder than you think.

yup its the Keene buffet 6 bucks for all you can hold down

Damn, Michael Chiklis is so hot. *purrr*
Man, I just got my nose repierced yesterday, and it bled so much. Ugh. It didn't bleed the first 2 times... I think it might have been because the previous hole hadn't healed up completely. Live & Learn. *shrug*

Man, I just got my nose repierced yesterday, and it bled so much. Ugh. It didn't bleed the first 2 times... I think it might have been because the previous hole hadn't healed up completely. Live & Learn. *shrug*
thanks, i just put some roses on it and am going to add the background in a few months