Wanna know what really sucks and pisses me off,people that have like split personalitys to their friends.It's like they act sooooo sweet to one and then mean to another and then will be backstabbing and shit,it's so messed up.Grrr I'd explain more but I can't word it right.Anyways yesterday was like my 6th day in a row of party type things(well booze related gatherings and parties)I was like oh I should stop boozing cuz I wanted to before but since then so much has changed like every single person I know are boozers so it seems so innocent,despite the fact that It can become an addiction,that won't happen in my case,so woot for more boozing!
hopefully I'm going to an 80s themed party tonight
hopefully I'm going to an 80s themed party tonight
Booze is always good