
I first off want to say I'm a cosplay lover. I have so many cosplay outfits from sailor moon to jasmine to Captain America, I could go on and on. I do have plans on doing a cosplay set on here soon. I seen this post on @laritxs (thank you, love) page and so I had to post my favorite cosplay. It was Mary...
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Omg this looks so awesome
Cool! You look so amazing 🤩

Thank you @zarawolf for creating this fun questionnaire. As soon as I seen this, I knew I had to answer these questions and post for everyone to see. Thank you @tallco, I found this and @zarawolf from your page.

When did you first discover SuicideGirls?

I first discovered SuicideGirls in 2019. I was doing a freelance modeling gig and one of my photographers asked me
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When did you first discover SuicideGirls? I've been a fan since just about day one.  Didn't really realize the depth and wonder until I became a member in 2020 Do you have any nicknames? If yes, what are they? I've been called Spider, Spiderman, and super tall giant giraffe man (evidently 6'4" is giant status to a 12 year old). What is your favourite colour? Blue in its many shades is my favorite. What are your five most used emojis? ❤️💋😊😍👍 Are you a morning person or a night person? I'm definitely more productive in the mornings if that makes me a morning person What’s your zodiac sign, & do you resonate with it? I am a Scorpio and I feel like, from what I've heard, that definitely suits me. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? The ability to read people's minds.  Sometimes I just want a peek into someone's thoughts to get a better understanding of their point of view. If you could only choose one, would you rather fly with a unicorn or swim with a mermaid? Flying with a unicorn would be pretty cool I think.  I love horses and riding them, so flying on the back of a unicorn would be a great next step. Are you a dog or cat person, and do you have pets? I am a dog person.  That said I pretty much love all animals (sometimes more than people) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose? I am a huge foodie, so this is a difficult one.  If I had to choose I think I'd go with pizza.  You can vary the toppings enough to make it different every time. What are three things you can't live without? My food, my caffeine, and having passion in my life If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Would love to go and explore my roots in Great Britain and find out more about where my family line came from. What's the most adventurous thing you've done? Always been more reserved and cautious.  Does traveling to the next state over to meet an online acquaintance count? Share something else that few people know! I sang in Lincoln Center with my high school choir a lifetime ago when I was 17. Who would you like to take this questionnaire next?  @lera @thanatoz @belladona @corico
Your answers are great!! 🥰😘