Fucking drunk drivers fucking suck ass. Some drunk ass motherfucker tried to kill my husband last night. they clipped him from behind, his car hit the retaining wall, and flip up on its side, with the drivers side down, busted the windows out so my husband had to hold himself up to keep from getting drug on the pavement through the broken window as it slid at 65 mph. Thank God for seatbelts. Anyway if you drink and drive you can kiss my ass.
people are fucktards when it comes to driving.. im glad he is ok!
next time, go find the drunk asshole, with a bat...
what is it with the drivers here in Sherman?!?!?!?
Did you hear about that horrible wreck last night? My friend Britaney could have been killed as well, the car (which was coming down the WRONG SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY) flipped and hit the people int he car behind her. it was awful.
I'm just glad he's okay.