Blimey! Can someone take all the pollen away?? I'm suffering badly from Hayfever, its hurts! Bad throat, nose and ears.... i'm so sexy!
I had a really good weekend! Mike got us free tickets to Nass Festival, which was amazing! There are some very brave people out there!! Been at work the the past couple of days, and will be at work tomorrow to.
I should have a visitor tomorrow to, Iannnnnn is coming to visit, making the most of his week off... Me and the SGBristol Crew are gonna show him a good time! haha!
I had a really good weekend! Mike got us free tickets to Nass Festival, which was amazing! There are some very brave people out there!! Been at work the the past couple of days, and will be at work tomorrow to.
I should have a visitor tomorrow to, Iannnnnn is coming to visit, making the most of his week off... Me and the SGBristol Crew are gonna show him a good time! haha!
Sounds like you might be suffering worse than I am...I've just got the occasional sneezing fit and a runny nose that comes and goes...and the weird acting sinuses....bleah!
Haven't really done much SGUK stuff recently...just got into other things...I might go to this Brighton thing next month....