The List!
So there u go! My brain is a little over-worked!
Thursday, i had the most boring shift at work, they've put me in Monsoon instead of Accessorize, i was there for 4 hours, probably served 12 customers.. if that....
It did get better, after work i hauled arse to Bristol (at this point i didn't realise quite how skint i was) And after my bestest 'littlest hobo' impression... thanks Fry i was picked up by Narshada We zoomed to his house, dumped the car and headed to town for lots of drinkage! We went to a few places, can't remember the first pub, then on to Renalto's for pizza, and drink... This is where we were joined, if only for 5 mins, by the drunkest Kristophe i think I have EVER seen! He's such a sweetie! haha!
King Bill's for Pool... I somehow managed to win both games! i have no idea how! Then... of course.. the Apple. We sat down, drinking, chatting, laughing at stupid people....... of which there was lots. I looked at the time, 'i have 10mins to get my train!' i say..... Mike says, 'Great, i have time for another....' This leads to us approaching the station at 11.20, when my train left at 11.10.
Hmmmmmmm, so anyway, being the gentleman that he is, Mike ran off and left me! Noooooo, only kidding, i was taken back to his, and given a big cup of tea! which was grand. Stayed up til 2.30 talking to his housemate, which i say is a good thing, coz he normally stays up til 3, so i was obviously a good influence! Was a really good night tho, THANKS MATE!
So, this morning i woke up in Bristol, a little confused.... But Mike made sure i managed to get back to Bath ok, and once Tim got back he treated me to a huge breakfast! We then came back the the flat and watch the Simpsons for about 2 hours.... then i may have had a little sleepy!
At 5 Tim decided he wanted to surprise me with something cool.... So off we trot, into town, and into a pub which i have never been into, coz it looks a bit weird! Well, he goes up to the bar, and they have RATTLER! OMG! its like the bestest Cider in the world, 1 bottle is like 3! And as i still hadn't really recovered from yesterday, at 6 oclock today we were quite merry, wandering around bath! Rattlers really difficult to get hold of, its really good, and really bad there is somewhere in bath that sells it!
So that brings me to now! I'm really tired and thinking of going to bed now.
As for the comments u guys left on my previous blog.... i like the way u all assume i need a drink..... appart from Fry who said a hero.... altho, i think he knows Cider is my hero....... Haha!
Anyways..... bed time now!
Getting there,
Everywhere I went I was asking. Everywhere I went they looked at me dumb.
I'm gonna curl up in a ball and try again tomorrow.
I'm glad you had a night out, I had one too, and it was fun! I did forget for a while - but then again i also nearly forgot where I lived Thank goodness for my excellent housemate! We ended up in the falcon, which was the most crowded I've ever seen it, all crowded around a tiny tiny table playing drinking games. Madness.
Well here's another upheaval for me, the hero guy has come home. Who knows if I'll see him this weekend...?
I hope the lock on your door gets fixed soon.