What is it with internet dvd companies at the moment? They used to be soo efficient, order something one afternoon, and it could arrive the next day even. I put one order in well over 3 weeks ago, and another bout 10 days ago, and neither have arrived yet. Grrrrrr.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 25, 2005
Ok, so whats better, Kent or Essex? And the reasons please. … -
Thursday Apr 21, 2005
Jennie has just done a marvellous puzzle, and would like you all to h… -
Thursday Apr 21, 2005
Hello, hello hello. Cards all cancelled, but Jennie has NO money, … -
Tuesday Apr 19, 2005
Well. some little shit has stolen my wallet, with all my cards in it.… -
Friday Apr 15, 2005
Well hello there people (if anybody is actually reading this!). And h… -
Thursday Apr 14, 2005
What has little Jen been doin this eve? 1) Surfed the net lookin a… -
Monday Apr 11, 2005
I feel quite guilty not having written in here for some time, so thou… -
Monday Mar 14, 2005
Well, the tooth is better, dunno y. Yes yes, I know it needs seeing t… -
Friday Mar 11, 2005
2 days to go!! Yey. Tooth still hurts tho, and has a lumpy bit on the… -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
Not a bad day at all, work wise, although not long been home - at las…