i feel like poop.
GAP insurance for my car should be taken care of this week. horay for no more car payments on a car i don't even have anymore.
but my stupid insurance, put a hold on payment for my chiropractor payments cause they wanna know all about the neck injury i had like 5 and a half years ago. they have all the information! they paid the chiropractor bills then too! and they have the totally wrong date for my accident. they are morons!
my neck hurts today. the guy that usually does my back therapy after the cracking was busy yesterday, so the other guy did it. and he is a lot rougher. so my neck has been hurtin a lot since then.
i'm listenin to some johnny cash... now off to read full metal alchemist manga
GAP insurance for my car should be taken care of this week. horay for no more car payments on a car i don't even have anymore.
but my stupid insurance, put a hold on payment for my chiropractor payments cause they wanna know all about the neck injury i had like 5 and a half years ago. they have all the information! they paid the chiropractor bills then too! and they have the totally wrong date for my accident. they are morons!
my neck hurts today. the guy that usually does my back therapy after the cracking was busy yesterday, so the other guy did it. and he is a lot rougher. so my neck has been hurtin a lot since then.
i'm listenin to some johnny cash... now off to read full metal alchemist manga