Tuesday was my only day off. Didn't sleep well, cause the bitch kept leaving me voicemails. I only slept from like 10:30-3:30. Not bad, but not good. Once I found the 1st voicemail, I couldn't go back to sleep.
She called me a total of 4 times that day, didn't leave messages on the last 2 calls, I guess cause I didn't respond to the 1st 2. I'm trying to be the better person, and not stoop to her level.
Tony hung out with his buddy Chris that night, and got drunk, I reckon he probably needed to, for whatever reasons. I went to mom's and did laundry while taking a nap. Of course, I got woke up by one of the phonecalls from the bitch, so that ended the napping. GRRR.
He ended up getting a hotel in Florence, cause that's where Chris lives, and he was too drunk to drive home. He invited me down to hang out, so I went. I was in a really shitty mood on the way down there, but I did make an effort to look pretty (eyeliner, lipgloss, the works) cause I still fear him leaving me and going back to her, bitchy as she may be. I wore my "slut" tank top, as a joke, but also so it was kind of in his face as to what she's been doing to me. I cried as soon as I showed up, and he calmed me down. He had some Miller light, so I had a few of those (2, actually, on a VERY empty stomach) so within an hour or so I was good to go.
We started cuddling and such, and out of nowhere, he said "That shirt needs to come off" and I said "It does?" thinking he wanted to....well, ya know. And he said yeah, as he started taking it off, and then added "It really doesn't fit who you are." And I lost it. I just started crying all over him, cause it was the absolute perfect thing to say to me at that point.
Needless to say, it was a great night...I didn't sleep much, cause he stayed up watching tv til about 6 or 7 AM, and I just laid there with him holding me.
When it came time to check out, I was going to go hang out with him, but he could see how tired I was from all of my lack of sleep the past few days. He told me to go home and get some sleep before work. Being the emotional wreck that I am, it upset me, cause it made me feel like I met him at the hotel room to be a whore, just like she says I am, and it made me feel like he didn't want me around. I was upset, but left anyway, and told him all about it once I got home. Like I said, I'm an emotional wreck, but when I tell him he upsets me, I feel even worse because I feel like I'm adding shit to the pile of problems that are already on him.
I didn't nap very well at all before going to work, maybe got 2 hours worth of actual sleep.
At work, I talked to his brother Doug, briefly, because I wanted an outsiders opinion on the situation. Doug doesn't really want to be involved in the situation, so I didn't talk much, I mostly just told him that I worry what he and his parents think of me, cause she called them telling them I was a whore and whatnot. He said he doesn't think that, and then told me that she's psycho anyway, so whatever. He also said that she called him since the day she met me and claims that Tony threw her against the wall, and pulled a gun on her. He knows its crap, cause she didn't mention it when she first called him, and I vouched for it cause I was THERE. It irritates me that she would try to make Tony look so fucking crazy. Doug also told me, its kind of hush-hush, but no one in Tony's family likes his wife, they all think she's a bitch. That's not the way she made it seem, but I heard it from Tony, Doug, and also a guy that I work with that's friends with Tony's dad. This is VERY good information to have.
Tony found out later that she told his DAD that Tony threw her against the wall so hard she had to go to the hospital, and the cops were at their house and everything that day. Again, BULLSHIT. This chick is REALLY getting on my nerves. I think its safe to say that I don't really need to believe anything she tells me from now on, cause she's a lying bitch.
so.........I did eat breakfast today, which is more like dinner to us nightshift folks
My sis and I went to the 24-hour skyline in KY, mmmm YUMMY! Better believe I ate it up, and so far I feel ok. No icky ill feelings.
Hopefully, now, I can go to sleep and actually SLEEP.
I think thats it.
Yes, this is quite a dramatic saga. To be continued.....
She called me a total of 4 times that day, didn't leave messages on the last 2 calls, I guess cause I didn't respond to the 1st 2. I'm trying to be the better person, and not stoop to her level.
Tony hung out with his buddy Chris that night, and got drunk, I reckon he probably needed to, for whatever reasons. I went to mom's and did laundry while taking a nap. Of course, I got woke up by one of the phonecalls from the bitch, so that ended the napping. GRRR.
He ended up getting a hotel in Florence, cause that's where Chris lives, and he was too drunk to drive home. He invited me down to hang out, so I went. I was in a really shitty mood on the way down there, but I did make an effort to look pretty (eyeliner, lipgloss, the works) cause I still fear him leaving me and going back to her, bitchy as she may be. I wore my "slut" tank top, as a joke, but also so it was kind of in his face as to what she's been doing to me. I cried as soon as I showed up, and he calmed me down. He had some Miller light, so I had a few of those (2, actually, on a VERY empty stomach) so within an hour or so I was good to go.

Needless to say, it was a great night...I didn't sleep much, cause he stayed up watching tv til about 6 or 7 AM, and I just laid there with him holding me.

When it came time to check out, I was going to go hang out with him, but he could see how tired I was from all of my lack of sleep the past few days. He told me to go home and get some sleep before work. Being the emotional wreck that I am, it upset me, cause it made me feel like I met him at the hotel room to be a whore, just like she says I am, and it made me feel like he didn't want me around. I was upset, but left anyway, and told him all about it once I got home. Like I said, I'm an emotional wreck, but when I tell him he upsets me, I feel even worse because I feel like I'm adding shit to the pile of problems that are already on him.
I didn't nap very well at all before going to work, maybe got 2 hours worth of actual sleep.
At work, I talked to his brother Doug, briefly, because I wanted an outsiders opinion on the situation. Doug doesn't really want to be involved in the situation, so I didn't talk much, I mostly just told him that I worry what he and his parents think of me, cause she called them telling them I was a whore and whatnot. He said he doesn't think that, and then told me that she's psycho anyway, so whatever. He also said that she called him since the day she met me and claims that Tony threw her against the wall, and pulled a gun on her. He knows its crap, cause she didn't mention it when she first called him, and I vouched for it cause I was THERE. It irritates me that she would try to make Tony look so fucking crazy. Doug also told me, its kind of hush-hush, but no one in Tony's family likes his wife, they all think she's a bitch. That's not the way she made it seem, but I heard it from Tony, Doug, and also a guy that I work with that's friends with Tony's dad. This is VERY good information to have.
Tony found out later that she told his DAD that Tony threw her against the wall so hard she had to go to the hospital, and the cops were at their house and everything that day. Again, BULLSHIT. This chick is REALLY getting on my nerves. I think its safe to say that I don't really need to believe anything she tells me from now on, cause she's a lying bitch.
so.........I did eat breakfast today, which is more like dinner to us nightshift folks

I think thats it.
Yes, this is quite a dramatic saga. To be continued.....

so what was she saying with all the phonecalls / voicemails?