1 day + 2 hours of overtime last week. Eh, not bad, but could have been better. This week looks like I could be getting more OT than I am, but I need a few days off.
I gotta have time to spend w/ my boy, cause I hardly ever get to see him.
Work has been pretty uneventful since the pocket mix-up. Got to work on the binder again the other day and I had no problems at all, which I hope looks good on me.
I love working on the binder.
The lady that was gonna switch me days for the Kenny Chesney concert is quitting this week, so I have to find someone else to cover my shift. How come I always get SCREWED when I need 1 day off at work? Fuckin' everytime I line up someone to cover me they back out of it at the last friggin' minute. GRRRR.
Tony met me after work Monday morning. We went to breakfast, then went back to my house, slept a few hours, and ran a few errands.
I love waking up next to him.
I definately didn't get enough sleep though. He told me to go back to bed, while he played on the computer, but I felt guilty being selfish like that, so I just got up. Had 5 hours of sleep, but oh well. Went to bed super duper early last night and slept til like 11 today. His little girl had to have surgery this morning to get tubes in her ears. Waiting to hear from him to make sure everything is a-ok.
Work wants me to come in tonight, but I doubt I will-freaking EVERYONE in my family is bitching that they need haircuts, so I have a full day ahead of me, I think. Oh well, extra money is good. I want to go gambling sometime soon too.....maybe I can talk mom into it tonight.
I haven't played craps in ages!

Work has been pretty uneventful since the pocket mix-up. Got to work on the binder again the other day and I had no problems at all, which I hope looks good on me.

The lady that was gonna switch me days for the Kenny Chesney concert is quitting this week, so I have to find someone else to cover my shift. How come I always get SCREWED when I need 1 day off at work? Fuckin' everytime I line up someone to cover me they back out of it at the last friggin' minute. GRRRR.
Tony met me after work Monday morning. We went to breakfast, then went back to my house, slept a few hours, and ran a few errands.

Work wants me to come in tonight, but I doubt I will-freaking EVERYONE in my family is bitching that they need haircuts, so I have a full day ahead of me, I think. Oh well, extra money is good. I want to go gambling sometime soon too.....maybe I can talk mom into it tonight.
