Well, for the inquiring minds that would like to know....Hell yeah it ROCKED! This past weekend was absolutely amazing, I had so much fun it seems like it lasted an eternity!
First off, it is official that Tony and I are a "thing", not sure as of when, but I can say with certainty that he is my boy.
That makes me so happy!
Saturday night, Tony came over at about 9 PM, met my sis, and we headed out to dinner at Friday's. Then we went out to Eastgate to see Sara and friends @ Cheeseburger in Paradise. Yeah, the band there was only so-so, and it was so loud we couldn't have a decent conversation with anyone. Additionally, the group of us that were there was too big for 1 table, so Tony and I were kinda off to the side, and it was just difficult. So we opted to go to Lisa's and shoot some pool. Lisa's was dead, which was a good thing, so we hid back in the corner to shoot our pool
He came back to my house and spent the night (first time I've ever had a boy spend the night!! I know, I'm retarded) we laid in bed waaay too long on Sunday, making me late on buying party supplies and such. We went shopping and spent waay too much money on decorations and alcohol, considering that hardly anyone showed up at the party I had for my friend
But those of us who were there had a blast! And everyone got to meet Tony, and he was cool w/ hanging out w/ my family and such. He got along great with my parents, which I guess is a good thing
My mom told him to come back anytime, and he said he was sure she'd being seeing more of him.
We pretty much went back to my house and went to bed that night, passed the hell out cause we were so tired. Laid in bed waay to long on Monday morning too, he didn't end up leaving til about 12:30 or so.
The weekend included lots and lots of making out, lots of compliments from him, and me realizing that we make a super cute couple. Again, yes, I am retarded.
The really cool thing is--he left his regular cell phone at home, so he was just devoted to me all weekend--no one could get ahold of him at all, cause they didn't know where he was and he didn't have his phone. He said he wanted to be with me without interuptions.
GRRR he drives me crazy!
First off, it is official that Tony and I are a "thing", not sure as of when, but I can say with certainty that he is my boy.

Saturday night, Tony came over at about 9 PM, met my sis, and we headed out to dinner at Friday's. Then we went out to Eastgate to see Sara and friends @ Cheeseburger in Paradise. Yeah, the band there was only so-so, and it was so loud we couldn't have a decent conversation with anyone. Additionally, the group of us that were there was too big for 1 table, so Tony and I were kinda off to the side, and it was just difficult. So we opted to go to Lisa's and shoot some pool. Lisa's was dead, which was a good thing, so we hid back in the corner to shoot our pool

He came back to my house and spent the night (first time I've ever had a boy spend the night!! I know, I'm retarded) we laid in bed waaay too long on Sunday, making me late on buying party supplies and such. We went shopping and spent waay too much money on decorations and alcohol, considering that hardly anyone showed up at the party I had for my friend

We pretty much went back to my house and went to bed that night, passed the hell out cause we were so tired. Laid in bed waay to long on Monday morning too, he didn't end up leaving til about 12:30 or so.
The weekend included lots and lots of making out, lots of compliments from him, and me realizing that we make a super cute couple. Again, yes, I am retarded.

The really cool thing is--he left his regular cell phone at home, so he was just devoted to me all weekend--no one could get ahold of him at all, cause they didn't know where he was and he didn't have his phone. He said he wanted to be with me without interuptions.
GRRR he drives me crazy!

isnt it just awesome to have a boyfriend? it sounds like you are doing quite well & that your weekend with your boy was perfect, weekends like that are the best & you just dont want to end. so when do we get to see a pic of the boy?