GO me! for going to the gym today. Sorry, I just gotta encourage myself, ya know?
After hitting up the gym, I took my nephew swimming again, and had a blast. The only problem is that he's too damn skinny! Skinny people get cold so easily, and when he's in the pool, shaking like a leaf, teeth chattering up a storm, I HAVE to make him get out cause he just looks so pathetic! He, however, doesn't want to get out, but I make him sit in the sun and warm up for a while. Kid needs some meat on his bones! I did get him to jump off the diving board today, and once he started, there was no stopping him! Even after he swallowed a good quantity of water on one jump, he went for it again. And again, and again....
He's such a fun kid. He just craves attention.
FINALLY got vacation pics developed, from Sept. and Oct. I think I'm gonna put the Vegas pics in an album and give that to Ginner as part of her graduation present. She should like it, cause she's been wanting to see the pics for quite some time. Freakin' $76 in film developing, and thats even AFTER the dude didn't charge me for like 80 some pics.....the machine messed up and he didn't feel like counting them, so he cut me a deal.
Got a nice surprise in my e-mail--quick note from my tattoo artist, telling me he's still working on sketches, but they're coming along. Let me know some ideas he's had, can't wait to have me see them, etc. I'm so excited! I need new ink!
Ok, gotta shower, and get ready for bed, gotta be up @ 5 AM tomorrow! My horoscope is looking good for tomorrow though..........

After hitting up the gym, I took my nephew swimming again, and had a blast. The only problem is that he's too damn skinny! Skinny people get cold so easily, and when he's in the pool, shaking like a leaf, teeth chattering up a storm, I HAVE to make him get out cause he just looks so pathetic! He, however, doesn't want to get out, but I make him sit in the sun and warm up for a while. Kid needs some meat on his bones! I did get him to jump off the diving board today, and once he started, there was no stopping him! Even after he swallowed a good quantity of water on one jump, he went for it again. And again, and again....

FINALLY got vacation pics developed, from Sept. and Oct. I think I'm gonna put the Vegas pics in an album and give that to Ginner as part of her graduation present. She should like it, cause she's been wanting to see the pics for quite some time. Freakin' $76 in film developing, and thats even AFTER the dude didn't charge me for like 80 some pics.....the machine messed up and he didn't feel like counting them, so he cut me a deal.

Got a nice surprise in my e-mail--quick note from my tattoo artist, telling me he's still working on sketches, but they're coming along. Let me know some ideas he's had, can't wait to have me see them, etc. I'm so excited! I need new ink!
Ok, gotta shower, and get ready for bed, gotta be up @ 5 AM tomorrow! My horoscope is looking good for tomorrow though..........

You need to meet my kids, how old is your nephew?