Argh. Spent tooo much money @ the store tonight. But my sister and I bought a bunch of healthy stuff. I reckon seeing your fat ass on a video can make a person want to diet, eh?
I went to the gym today too-ended up doing and hour and a half of cardio. I got really into the movie playing in the cinema room
its called "Radio". Does anyone else thing that Ed Harris is HOT for an old guy? Well, I found him very attractive in the movie. Nice sideburns.
I'm going to try and get up at a decent time tomorrow and go to the gym again. I really need to get back to where I was, when I was going to the gym 3-4 times a week.
No more calls from my hot factory boy yet.....
Oh well. He can still be my eye candy

I'm going to try and get up at a decent time tomorrow and go to the gym again. I really need to get back to where I was, when I was going to the gym 3-4 times a week.
No more calls from my hot factory boy yet.....

i love the skull tattoo you have on your neck! what are all the other tattoos you have?