Yesterday I didn't get called in to do overtime, which is probably a good thing. My mom ended up having surgery to have her gallbladder removed. Ew. Embarrassing thing is that I sat in the wrong part of the hospital for like a half hour, til I realized I should probably ask someone if I was in the right spot.
I didn't end up waiting @ the hospital during her surgery though, cause I had to go babysit my nephew- dad was @ the hospital all day, he wanted my brother to go to work and take care of business issues for him, so I got to watch Christian.
My bro and I did uncover my parents' pool on his lunch hour, and then we cleaned up the poolcover and such after he got off work. Mom didn't get home til like 8 PM, and she just wanted to go to bed. Have you ever seen pictures of gallstones? EW Way gross. While bro and I were cleaning the poolcover, Christian slipped & fell on it, busting his mouth w/ a broom handle. He knocked one of his front teeth waaay loose (he was already missing both bottom front teeth) He cried for a while (he hit it HARD!) and then he ended up pulling out his own tooth. Again, gross. I could never be a nurse or anything NEAR to that profession. He has a cute toothless grin now.
If I get a pic, I'll put it up here.
Work was ok today. Have you ever been around someone that just makes you smile to be around them? I have this huge crush on a guy @ work, he's not even all that cute, but his personality is just off the charts to me. I totally dig him. I thought he was married and such, but apparently he and his lady had a falling out, so they're either seperated, or in the process of a divorce or something. Not sure. Needless to say, I'll keep my mouth shut, for the time being, and just admire from a distance. But its really hard when you just want to shout out how much you dig this person!

My bro and I did uncover my parents' pool on his lunch hour, and then we cleaned up the poolcover and such after he got off work. Mom didn't get home til like 8 PM, and she just wanted to go to bed. Have you ever seen pictures of gallstones? EW Way gross. While bro and I were cleaning the poolcover, Christian slipped & fell on it, busting his mouth w/ a broom handle. He knocked one of his front teeth waaay loose (he was already missing both bottom front teeth) He cried for a while (he hit it HARD!) and then he ended up pulling out his own tooth. Again, gross. I could never be a nurse or anything NEAR to that profession. He has a cute toothless grin now.

Work was ok today. Have you ever been around someone that just makes you smile to be around them? I have this huge crush on a guy @ work, he's not even all that cute, but his personality is just off the charts to me. I totally dig him. I thought he was married and such, but apparently he and his lady had a falling out, so they're either seperated, or in the process of a divorce or something. Not sure. Needless to say, I'll keep my mouth shut, for the time being, and just admire from a distance. But its really hard when you just want to shout out how much you dig this person!
So how about my birthday?