Wow. I was so torn on where to go on Saturday, but I'm glad I went where I did. I could have gone to a dance club with my friend Lesley, and was probably going to, until my girl Ginner called and said she was coming home. So of course, we went to see our friends' band play at a neighborhood-type of bar. Good times.
Then, towards the end of the night, this guy comes up and says "DEB!" and holy crap it was Matt! I used to help him out back in the day by selling his cds and shit for him while he played shows. It was always fun, but occasionally boring. So he pulls me to the corner where we can hear better (the band was blastin' loud!) and we start chatting--apparently he and his wife moved to L.A. 6 months ago--news to me. He says he loves it there, etc etc, and that I totally need to move out there. I don't know if I've ever mentioned, but Ginner and I have talked about moving to Cali quite a bit, and she's pretty dead set on it, and I always said I'd go with her to get out of Cincinnati. However, I'm quite afraid of change, and quite attached to my family, so I've always doubted myself on whether or not I'd actually go through with it. So Matt keeps saying how he loves it there, he misses the mid-west but Cali is totally different, etc etc, and he's convinced I need to move there. So he gives me his home #, cell #, and e-mail, tells me he'll help us look for apartments and what not. No lie, I don't think I've ever seen Matt this happy or excited ever. I mean, sure, I'm not great friends with him, but we're friends....and he was just excited and ecstatic and shit. I'm so happy for him. I'm so glad he's doing what he wants to do.
and I think I'm excited about California.
Then, towards the end of the night, this guy comes up and says "DEB!" and holy crap it was Matt! I used to help him out back in the day by selling his cds and shit for him while he played shows. It was always fun, but occasionally boring. So he pulls me to the corner where we can hear better (the band was blastin' loud!) and we start chatting--apparently he and his wife moved to L.A. 6 months ago--news to me. He says he loves it there, etc etc, and that I totally need to move out there. I don't know if I've ever mentioned, but Ginner and I have talked about moving to Cali quite a bit, and she's pretty dead set on it, and I always said I'd go with her to get out of Cincinnati. However, I'm quite afraid of change, and quite attached to my family, so I've always doubted myself on whether or not I'd actually go through with it. So Matt keeps saying how he loves it there, he misses the mid-west but Cali is totally different, etc etc, and he's convinced I need to move there. So he gives me his home #, cell #, and e-mail, tells me he'll help us look for apartments and what not. No lie, I don't think I've ever seen Matt this happy or excited ever. I mean, sure, I'm not great friends with him, but we're friends....and he was just excited and ecstatic and shit. I'm so happy for him. I'm so glad he's doing what he wants to do.
and I think I'm excited about California.

From the west side to the east side
Everybodys very happy
cause the sun is shining all the time
Looks like another perfect day
I love l.a. (we love it)
I love l.a. (we love it)
You'd sure as hell be able to get an AWESOME Cobb salad out there, if nothing else.
PS: Yes, it's true: we Portlanders are nothin' but a bunch of drunken pervs and soggy misfits. (Damn good beer and coffee, though.)
PPS: How are you liking that Chuck P. book??
so when am i gonna get to meet & hang out with you?
im gonna try to get out to cincy alittle more often to hang with Ap0cAlYpSe_Me0w, she lives in cincy & i hung with her sunday nite & most of monday...maybe we can do something sometime?
whats your schedule usually like?