Tuesday Jan 11, 2005 Jan 11, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email UGH! I hate stupid fucking corporate assholes that jerk around the little slaves they have running their company for them! I need a new job. Hardcore. punknitemike: yes, it does sound like you need a new job! do ya wanna come out to dayton on saturday jan. 29th for our GUYS NITE OUT? girls are invited too...and we got a good group of people coming out already, looks like we're going bowling then to the strip club, wanna join us? Jan 12, 2005
do ya wanna come out to dayton on saturday jan. 29th for our GUYS NITE OUT? girls are invited too...and we got a good group of people coming out already, looks like we're going bowling then to the strip club, wanna join us?