Fuck the wanna-be cops that are the Ohio State Highway Patrol. They're not fucking cops, they're fucking asshats. Sorry, but this will probably be profanity-laden.
So here's the deal--it might be a lengthy story- Someone reported to the OSHP that they were rear ended, and the person fled the scene. Patrolman called our house one night, asked for Ms. Ingram, talked to my sister, told her that someone reported her license plate # as having rear ended them, and the description of her vehicle matched as well. He wanted to come take a look at her car. She ok'd it, whatever. He called back another day, left a message for "Ms. Ingram". She called him back but couldn't get ahold of him. He left ANOTHER message a few days later, this time asking for Ms. Deborah Ingram--yeah, thats me. So a week after he called our house the 1st time, I found out it was MY car that had been reported. So whatever, there's nothing wrong with my car, right, so I try to get ahold of him. He wasn't there, they said call back thurs. Called back thurs, he was out on "training" or whatever, and to call back Wed. I was going to call Wednesday, but instead he called me tonight. Today is Tuesday, and he called me b/c I told the dispatcher to leave my name and # and to leave him a message. He said he already looked at my car (which is news to me!) and he needs me to make a statement. So I go up there--apparently he came to our house one day to see my car, and didn't bother TELLING us or ringing the doorbell or anything, he just snooped around and left. He said there were marks on my car that were consistent with hitting something, blah blah blah, and I said that if there are marks on it he needed to point them out to me b/c I had no clue what he was talking about, other than the fact that my license plate is mangled from previous accidents. So we go outside, and he shows me these tiny "spider-marks" in the paint thats on my bumper--someone once described them as "spider-marks" to me, when the paint is cracking and it keeps branching out in different directions. I told him I've been in 2 front end collisions that were my fault that I took responsibility for, and that my the paint on my bumper had done this before because its not the original bumper, he argues w/ me like I'm a liar, so I'm like whatever.
We go back inside to discuss things....the accident supposedly happend at 7:15 AM on a Monday---that Monday I clocked in to work at 8:32. I leave my house approx. 20-30 minutes before I have to be at work, why the hell would I be at an intersection near my work at 7 AM?? Then he goes and talks to his seargent, across the hall, they shut the door, whatever. Sarge comes out of the room, and says obviously loud enough for me to hear "Well, we'll set up a polygraph, blah blah blah, but thats a really stupid thing to do just to avoid a ticket". So now I'm pissed. Dude came in to talk to me with his Sarge and I started bawling. I fucking lost it, because they were absolutely treating me like a fucking liar, and like I was guilty. Trooper man eventually took my statement, argued about the part where my sister thought she was involved, claims he asked her if she drove a Silver Toyota and she said yes (she told me later that she never told him a vehicle description AT ALL) and then we went outside so he could take measurements of my car (the distance from the ground to my bumper, license plate, etc) . Meanwhile, I'm bawling on the phone to my mom, because I really needed someone to reassure me that I am not a bad person, and that I didn't do anything wrong. I seriously felt like shit at that moment, because they treated me like an absolute liar. Both of my parents wanted to go to the station and speak w/ the troopers because I was so upset, but the troopers said it wouldn't do anything. I told them my sister could come up and give them a statement or whatever they needed from her about how she thought her car had been involved, not mine.
Before I left, the guy made it sound like nothing is going to come of this--he said his Sarge wants me to do the polygraph but they probably won't go through with it due to time/money issues, blah blah blah, but if the people that say I hit them really think I did it they could sue me, blah blah blah. So I left there and went to my parents, where they told me the police are worthless, and that they know I wouldn't hit someone and leave, they raised me better than that, etc etc. I'm taking my car to the body shop tomorrow to see what the mechanic has to say about the marks on my car. My sister is pissed that the cop claims he told her what type of car was supposedly in the accident, and if she goes up to the station they will not be happy because she'll raise some hell. She's also mad at me for not taking someone with me to talk to the trooper, because she knows I can be easily intimidated. (side note, I asked my brother to go with me, but his son was asleep and we couldn't leave him home alone--he said he could get him ready and we could all go, but I told him to let him sleep).
I have to be to work in 7 hours, and I can't fucking sleep.
So here's the deal--it might be a lengthy story- Someone reported to the OSHP that they were rear ended, and the person fled the scene. Patrolman called our house one night, asked for Ms. Ingram, talked to my sister, told her that someone reported her license plate # as having rear ended them, and the description of her vehicle matched as well. He wanted to come take a look at her car. She ok'd it, whatever. He called back another day, left a message for "Ms. Ingram". She called him back but couldn't get ahold of him. He left ANOTHER message a few days later, this time asking for Ms. Deborah Ingram--yeah, thats me. So a week after he called our house the 1st time, I found out it was MY car that had been reported. So whatever, there's nothing wrong with my car, right, so I try to get ahold of him. He wasn't there, they said call back thurs. Called back thurs, he was out on "training" or whatever, and to call back Wed. I was going to call Wednesday, but instead he called me tonight. Today is Tuesday, and he called me b/c I told the dispatcher to leave my name and # and to leave him a message. He said he already looked at my car (which is news to me!) and he needs me to make a statement. So I go up there--apparently he came to our house one day to see my car, and didn't bother TELLING us or ringing the doorbell or anything, he just snooped around and left. He said there were marks on my car that were consistent with hitting something, blah blah blah, and I said that if there are marks on it he needed to point them out to me b/c I had no clue what he was talking about, other than the fact that my license plate is mangled from previous accidents. So we go outside, and he shows me these tiny "spider-marks" in the paint thats on my bumper--someone once described them as "spider-marks" to me, when the paint is cracking and it keeps branching out in different directions. I told him I've been in 2 front end collisions that were my fault that I took responsibility for, and that my the paint on my bumper had done this before because its not the original bumper, he argues w/ me like I'm a liar, so I'm like whatever.
We go back inside to discuss things....the accident supposedly happend at 7:15 AM on a Monday---that Monday I clocked in to work at 8:32. I leave my house approx. 20-30 minutes before I have to be at work, why the hell would I be at an intersection near my work at 7 AM?? Then he goes and talks to his seargent, across the hall, they shut the door, whatever. Sarge comes out of the room, and says obviously loud enough for me to hear "Well, we'll set up a polygraph, blah blah blah, but thats a really stupid thing to do just to avoid a ticket". So now I'm pissed. Dude came in to talk to me with his Sarge and I started bawling. I fucking lost it, because they were absolutely treating me like a fucking liar, and like I was guilty. Trooper man eventually took my statement, argued about the part where my sister thought she was involved, claims he asked her if she drove a Silver Toyota and she said yes (she told me later that she never told him a vehicle description AT ALL) and then we went outside so he could take measurements of my car (the distance from the ground to my bumper, license plate, etc) . Meanwhile, I'm bawling on the phone to my mom, because I really needed someone to reassure me that I am not a bad person, and that I didn't do anything wrong. I seriously felt like shit at that moment, because they treated me like an absolute liar. Both of my parents wanted to go to the station and speak w/ the troopers because I was so upset, but the troopers said it wouldn't do anything. I told them my sister could come up and give them a statement or whatever they needed from her about how she thought her car had been involved, not mine.
Before I left, the guy made it sound like nothing is going to come of this--he said his Sarge wants me to do the polygraph but they probably won't go through with it due to time/money issues, blah blah blah, but if the people that say I hit them really think I did it they could sue me, blah blah blah. So I left there and went to my parents, where they told me the police are worthless, and that they know I wouldn't hit someone and leave, they raised me better than that, etc etc. I'm taking my car to the body shop tomorrow to see what the mechanic has to say about the marks on my car. My sister is pissed that the cop claims he told her what type of car was supposedly in the accident, and if she goes up to the station they will not be happy because she'll raise some hell. She's also mad at me for not taking someone with me to talk to the trooper, because she knows I can be easily intimidated. (side note, I asked my brother to go with me, but his son was asleep and we couldn't leave him home alone--he said he could get him ready and we could all go, but I told him to let him sleep).
I have to be to work in 7 hours, and I can't fucking sleep.

As betenoire said, I don't think they can give you a polygraph for an accident... as far as I know, they are not legally binding anymore. Also, the police will push and push you so that you fit into the picture they see... if you and your family work out a consistent story, they can't catch you off guard with anything (for example, someone that saw you leave for work at x time... )
On the bright side of things, I think by law you're entitled to get a copy of any evidence against you, and I think that by law you need to be present when the police conduct any investigation on your property... unless it was where you work. Going to the bodyshop is good too because you can prepare your own information... they should be able to tell how recent the damage to your bumper was, so maybe that's something.
The thing to remember is that these cops will try to get you to mess up, or say that you did something that you didn't intend. Just collect all of the information that you can (what they have, and anything that you can gather) and maintain a clear message.
You'll be just fine. If you need anything at all, let me know, I'll do anything I can.
Fucking cops.
do you have any plans late saturday nite?