Did I mention I suck at driving?? A few months ago I backed into my brother's car while leaving my mom's house. Left a small scratch on his front bumper, banged up my rear bumper worse. So last night I'm leaving mom's again....this time I back into my sister's car. I'm a complete dumbass what can I say. I guess I just can't get along w/ black cars....or they're invisible to me.

so when are ya free to hang out? are you free at all on the weekends? whats your schedule like?
However, just as I went to back out, my aunt must have pulled in, and smacked right into the front of her car. fortunately it was only a foot or so away.. I was still pretty freaked out though.
Anyhow, I hope that everything is going better for you with the car! Remember, justice may be blind, but it can see in the dark. I'm not sure what that means eaxactly, but what I do know is that I'm fairly confident that the police will see that you're totally not who they are looking for.
Keep us posted, we're rooting for you!