Still missin' my boy.... But Phoebe is adorable. She likes to fall asleep curled around my neck, perched on my bosom.
The shelter said she was 10 weeks old--not sure though. She seems to like nosing through my hair and trying to suck on my earrings....?
I wish the vet had taken Alien's collar off--it was too cute. I miss his little jingle bells.
Starting tomorrow night we take my store apart for our remodel. Its going to be a hectic week!
**personal reflection--sappy crap**
Sometimes I get all sentimental or whatever, thinking that life is going by, and that I'm not experiencing it enough. Sometimes I get pissed off because on my days off I just want to be a bum, sit around the house, and not do a THING. And I feel like I'm wasting so much of my time doing nothing.
Wednesday was my last day off--I was still very tired from working day after day after day after getting home from Vegas, plus I went out w/ a friend on Sunday night which made me even more behind on sleep. So I really didn't want to do anything. However, I seriously needed to clean my room. Well, I still do. I bummed around for a bit, did a few things here and there, and then went upstairs to clean my room. Before going into my room, I looked in my sister's room, and Alien was all curled up on her bed. I couldn't resist, so I went in to pet him and talk to him for a bit. I laid down next to him, giving him lots of attention--I fell asleep-woke up-checked the time, petted him some more, drifted off again. Spent probably an hour and a half just laying on the bed with Alien, thinking he was the cutest thing ever, petting him and loving him. Never did get my room cleaned.
Maybe thats what experiencing life is all about.

I wish the vet had taken Alien's collar off--it was too cute. I miss his little jingle bells.
Starting tomorrow night we take my store apart for our remodel. Its going to be a hectic week!
**personal reflection--sappy crap**
Sometimes I get all sentimental or whatever, thinking that life is going by, and that I'm not experiencing it enough. Sometimes I get pissed off because on my days off I just want to be a bum, sit around the house, and not do a THING. And I feel like I'm wasting so much of my time doing nothing.
Wednesday was my last day off--I was still very tired from working day after day after day after getting home from Vegas, plus I went out w/ a friend on Sunday night which made me even more behind on sleep. So I really didn't want to do anything. However, I seriously needed to clean my room. Well, I still do. I bummed around for a bit, did a few things here and there, and then went upstairs to clean my room. Before going into my room, I looked in my sister's room, and Alien was all curled up on her bed. I couldn't resist, so I went in to pet him and talk to him for a bit. I laid down next to him, giving him lots of attention--I fell asleep-woke up-checked the time, petted him some more, drifted off again. Spent probably an hour and a half just laying on the bed with Alien, thinking he was the cutest thing ever, petting him and loving him. Never did get my room cleaned.
Maybe thats what experiencing life is all about.
Being close to something? Feeling the energy of love. That's what I beleive. Don't really see it in human form too often. My cats. The last place I lived I built an awesome tree stand for them. Need to design something for them again. What ever u do, Don't declaw Alien.