today sucked ass.
I cried at work this morning. I screwed up a job. A job for Tiffany and Co. which is one of THE most important jobs we print and put together. The operator of the machine had to have a little "talk" with me--he wasn't mean, its just that I already couldn't figure out how or when I fucked up, and he pointed out the fact that I'm not the one who caught the mistake. There was a person checking the line of books, and they found it, not me. The only reason there was a line checker is because it was a Tiffany job. If there was no line checker, bad books would have been sent out because of me. I have a theory of how it happened, but that theory would make it look like I was trying to avoid blame--therefore I keep that theory to myself. It sucks.
Additionally, I swore to keep this year drama-free. I'm off to a bad start. And its only 10 days into the year.
I think I'm gonna try and get some ink next week.
I cried at work this morning. I screwed up a job. A job for Tiffany and Co. which is one of THE most important jobs we print and put together. The operator of the machine had to have a little "talk" with me--he wasn't mean, its just that I already couldn't figure out how or when I fucked up, and he pointed out the fact that I'm not the one who caught the mistake. There was a person checking the line of books, and they found it, not me. The only reason there was a line checker is because it was a Tiffany job. If there was no line checker, bad books would have been sent out because of me. I have a theory of how it happened, but that theory would make it look like I was trying to avoid blame--therefore I keep that theory to myself. It sucks.
Additionally, I swore to keep this year drama-free. I'm off to a bad start. And its only 10 days into the year.
I think I'm gonna try and get some ink next week.
We will probably be at Jefferson Hall the 20th. One of our friends who used to be in Forehead is playing in another band and that is there first gig in this configuration. We might be able to get to Longworths too though!
Thanks for the well wishes for Wifey, they say this procedure is not a big deal, but it's still surgery.
Hope things get better at work! I HATE my job.
new ink? what ya gonna get?