it was an alright night at work. the "i can't see you" game was in full effect.
I got stuck doing one of my least favorite jobs--stacking down books coming off the perfect binder. it was b-o-r-i-n-g. the guy I was working with was ok....but we weren't real talkative. long ass night.
I'm off tonight though, thank goodness! and I should be going out dancing with D.
then, i'll go home and take a nap, and head to the bar at 7 AM for my sister's shifts Christmas party. It should be a hoot! anyone in Florence, KY who wants to drink at 7 AM--Hooz's is the place to be.
I'm off work Friday too--I switched shifts with someone, so I only have 1 more night of work this week! I'll probably be half liquored up still when I get there, but oh well.
hopefully nothing shitty happens any time soon, cause I'm tryin to stay in a good mood.
it was an alright night at work. the "i can't see you" game was in full effect.

I got stuck doing one of my least favorite jobs--stacking down books coming off the perfect binder. it was b-o-r-i-n-g. the guy I was working with was ok....but we weren't real talkative. long ass night.
I'm off tonight though, thank goodness! and I should be going out dancing with D.

I'm off work Friday too--I switched shifts with someone, so I only have 1 more night of work this week! I'll probably be half liquored up still when I get there, but oh well.

hopefully nothing shitty happens any time soon, cause I'm tryin to stay in a good mood.
lemme know bout hanging out this weekend, im off friday thru monday! so either comment to me on SG or text me as id like to hang out if you're free!
oh's the show: