I hate feeling like shit. I didn't eat jack at work last night. Drank a few sprites and that was it. I felt so....bleh. Especially at lunch time, my whole upper stomach felt like crap. Heartburn type shit perhaps?? I don't really know what heartburn feels like, so who knows? Maybe I should take some medication and see if it works. Then I guess I'd know, right?
Went outside at 5am break today, to check out the snow. Lovin' it! I slid across the parking lot on foot for a bit, then went back inside. As I was leaving work, of course, I had to slide my car all the way out of the parking lot. Parking in the back has its advantages! I love sliding, I mean driving, in snow and ice.
I also hit up an empty parking lot for some more slippity slidin' for shits and giggles. Good times.
Guess its time for some sleep, before I gotta roll out to work again. Thank goodness I'm off tomorrow
Went outside at 5am break today, to check out the snow. Lovin' it! I slid across the parking lot on foot for a bit, then went back inside. As I was leaving work, of course, I had to slide my car all the way out of the parking lot. Parking in the back has its advantages! I love sliding, I mean driving, in snow and ice.

Guess its time for some sleep, before I gotta roll out to work again. Thank goodness I'm off tomorrow

why dont we hang out tommorrow or something since you're off? drop me a message or text me as im not doing anything really...would be nice to hang out too! so whaddya say?